Wait for MDT agonising

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  • 109 subscribers

Colonoscopy with biopsies taken and dreaded words said on 16th January, CT and MRI followed on 18/19th. Was told someone would be in touch. Longest 12 days of my life so far, no idea what I am facinor how much longer the wait for information will be. Called the clinical nursing team today and got awful call back from a woman who was just mean, said anyone given your diagnoses is anxious and the things can take weeks, when I mentioned they had told me about a two week window she just said “they shouldn’t keep telling people that, we have a lot of people to get through” said it could be anher week or so!! That feels like forever to know what I am facing and to live in this awful limbo. Sorry for the rant just trying to keep it together in front of hubby and kids. Mum of 5 aged 43 and never thought this is how I would be facing the end of 2024 and start of 2025 xx

  • No excuse to be mean- that is awful. The staff should all know (and take heart from this if you can), this limbo time is the  worst and hardest period for anyone facing a diagnosis. It depends on when their MDT meeting is and you should have been discussed at the next one after completing all your tests.

    I chased mine at a similar point and was told my CT scan was "incomplete"- part of it just hadn't come through so I would probably be waiting at least another week... I tried to accept that and go on "parking" things for a  bit...within a few hours I got a call asking me to come  and see them the next day.  So it really can be very quick once it happens.  Hope you hear soon and the  news is relatively good for you.  In the meantime, rant away! we have all been there.

  • Hey…this is the most challenging time of any diagnosis - I’m with you…my operation was last week and even though surgeon said it would be a week for results….it’s going to be over 2. The waiting is the worst part of this process….and now I’ve been though it twice 6 years ago with breast cancer and now with rectal cancer. I’m an intelligent woman who likes detail! So would just be happy receiving medical notes to decipher! But as many others, I’ll wait in line and keep my fingers crossed! 
    Thinking of all of your challenges….head up….fight on!
