Rectal Cancer

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  • 109 subscribers

I was diagnosed with stage 3 Rectal Cancer ;last year I went through 5 weeks of intense Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy and I was told by my oncologist I responded  well to the treatment.

On the 12th November I went through a 91/2 hour Robotic assisted laparoscopic abdominoperineal excision of the rectum + Hartmann's procedure.and ended up with a stoma for the rest of my life and they also took out 9 lymph nodes out. I was in hospital 3 weeks before being discharged.

I have been told since then I am now cancer free hooray and was offered extra chemo afterwards but turned it down as I was told by my oncologist I have a 5% chance of getting cancer again either way and he was happy for me to decline.

I have very good stoma nurses who are keeping a good eye on me and they have given me a 5 year programme on what I will be going through.

Since coming out of hospital I have had a lot of bad days not eating as I was being sick a lot, so tired no energy, my legs not working properly for the first 2 weeks I couldn't even climb the stairs all I kept being told was I had, had one of the longest operation they did and with being 75 it would take a lot longer for me to get better and feel more like myself. still haven't got my taste buds back yet and there is a lot of food I can't eat if I do it ends up in a bucket.It has been a long slog but I think I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. My bum still hurts but that will be healing inside to outside. I had 24 clips put in.

even though I went through all that I can't believe for now I am CANCER FREE 

  • Hi Mags75,

    Well done on the cancer free status. 

    You had a huge surgery and 3 weeks in hospital is a long time. You don't get proper rest there, it's difficult to keep mobile. 

    It took me about a month before I could eat properly. Your bowel and stomach really don't like being moved around lots. Eat little and often. It also took me 3 weeks, just to walk around the block and I'm 20 years younger than you. It'll all come back if you're determined enough. Good luck and speedy recovery x

  • You are doing great. Slow and steady wins the race. 

    Be patient and it will all come back. 

  • Thank you for your kind words I am looking forward to the day I can ride my horse again. I eat little and often and if I eat something my stomach can't digest it comes back before I go to bed so every day is a learning curve x