
  • 11 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Question on behalf of my husband who has  rectal stage 3 cancer. After 1 week of chemo tablets Capecitabine and daily radiation therapy. 
He is experiencing frequent BM but yesterday and today seems to be passing flakes of poop and mucus - is this to be expected? Is it parts of the tumor flaking away after radiotherapy? It’s playing with his head and he’s talking about what it could be constantly … is it normal? Is it this? Is it that?  I so want to reassure him but have no answers  …. 
As the tumour is so low we are concerned as to what to expect. Can be anyone help  thank you 

  • I had rectal cancer too. I definitely passed mucous at times. I also passed what looked like flakes of something both rectally and vaginally. (The tumor had also invaded my vagina)  I told myself it was pieces of tumor. That made me feel better although I never actually had that explicitly confirmed by a doctor. 

    Whatever it is, I think it is normal. 

  • Hi

    thank you so much for responding. 
    that makes sense. 
    I hope you are on the mend yourself. How far into your treatment are you ? 

  • I finished radiation and chemo then had surgery in Aug 2024. I am now considered cancer free.

    I even had a surveillance scan eaier this month that was clear. I was just about to post a new thread since I know people are looking for good news. 

    There is light at the end of the tunnel 

  • That’s brilliant news!!  Hubby is scheduled for 5 weeks chemo/radiation (1 week down) then 12 weeks of Chemo 4x 3week cycles. Then surgery & probably a stoma. 
    its going to be a long slog  but definitely good to see that there are positive stories out there 


  • His journey will be very much like mine. I also ended with a stoma, actually 2 stomas because I can't do anything partway! Lol

    Ask me anything. I'm happy to help

  • Thank you so much! I’m sure we will take you up on that offer. xxxx 

  • Sounds like I'm on the same journey as you have been.  Just finished 25 sessions of radiotheraphy and chemo tablets. Very sore at the moment, but trying to make the most of a break before I  start chemo soon.  I would  love to take you up on asking questions.  Trying not to get too despondent. Your post deffo gives hope, thank you

  • For me, after radiotherapy, frequent BM and loose I was advised to take the anti diarrhea tablets. The radiotherapy made everything loose but with tummy pains that made it feel like constipation. So I was confused about what was going on. It felt like I was blocked up but producing watery flakes. Basically I was advised anything looser than normal to take anti diarrhea meds. Obviously that's just my experience though and everyone is different. Definitely not alone with those symptoms though 

  • The mucus is "radiotherapy mucus"! I had SO much of it!  but I was reassured about it by the oncologist very early on. I think the official term is radiation proctitis. It's annoying, but  totally normal. I had it  (and yes, weird flake syndrome too!)  all the time during treatment but it tapered off afterwards quite gradually.

  • Thank you so much Lucy these responses have reassured him - week 2 starts tomorrow !