Colorectal cancer

  • 33 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hi all

was diagnosed last monday

 just waiting on all my results to come together now

how long does it take? Very scared of what life holds for me now 

  • Hi - welcome to the forum and sorry to read about your diagnosis. 

    The wait for the biopsy, scans and bloods are the worst part. I felt equally anxious as you in November when I was diagnosed. 
    It was a bit of a waiting game, but eventually the results went through MDT, then I got an appointment with my Colorectal surgeon who went through aLloyd the results with me and my hubby. Then there was a plan in place and I felt much more at ease. When there’s a plan, there’s more certainty. 

    You will get there too x 

    In hindsight, I’ve learnt that anxiety doesn’t speed up time… so try your very best to manage your stress and anxiety - to the best of your abilities. On this forum, you are in good company with people who are going through similar journeys. 

    best of luck with everything 

  • Sorry “all” not “aLloyd” Rofl

  • Thankyou so much for the reply

    i just feel so alone in this journey as I don’t want to burden my family so have covered up how I feel

    im really worried about the ct as I had nodules a few years back and it’s never been followed up via the dr ( always told you need to chase them seriously!!!)

    thanks for the support really appreciated xx

  • You’re definitely NOT alone here. A few months ago, I was on this forum at all hours of the day, and someone would eventually answer. 

    I get the burden but. I felt that too, but my family have been and still are an incredible support… especially my kids (who I thought would crumble) 

    it’s tough . I totally empathise with you. 

    You WILL get through this. Treatments for bowel lesions are so advanced nowadays with positive results for many. 

    Have you considered counselling via Macmillan or you can speak to your GP (if you don’t yet feel ready to talk to friends or family). 

  • I didn’t know I could do that via a gp 

    WI’ll  look into that thanks

    im sure I will get through it but the unknown is a torment isn’t it

    thanks for your kind words and I know we are all facing these demons atm so I sympathise with each and everyone xx

  • GPs can refer you for counselling.

    Uncertainty is a beast, but remember that all beasts can be tamed. X

  • What a lovely way of thinking I really do appreciate you taking the time to talk with me it means a lot xx

  • Sending you a virtual hug . You’ve got this! 

  • Ty sending one back to you and the same to you

    we all have a journey to take and this site is so helpful with beautiful people like yourself xxx

  • Hi, welcome, though sorry it's under such circumstances.  I am not that far ahead of you, had colonoscopy mid December,  then scans, met consultant just after Christmas,  operation next week. Things do move quickly, though it feels like each day is a year.

    I totally understand what you are going through,  the unknown is incredibly challenging.  Once you have a plan you feel more in control. It is terrifying,  but hang on in there. This forum is so friendly and supportive and we have all felt those feelings along the way. Stay away from Google, it's no help. Sending best wishes your way xx