Good Afternoon Everyone
Hope everyone is hanging in there?
so what has been going on since my last post..
too much to handle, that’s what’s been going on!!
Mark had the pump removed the day after it should have been, we had to go to the hospital for that- a trip we could have done without really, but he needed it out.
Four days after Chemo mark started with the Chemo Belly, but said it was like his belly was like he had eaten a concrete post ( Not sure how he knew what eating a concrete post felt like
The weekend was abit of a no go really, didn’t want to leave the house incase he needed the loo, so I did all the running around ( I was knackered and was ready for my bed every night!)
As the days went on he was still getting bad belly ache, it would rumble and within minutes of the rumble he needed the loo, he’s been going 4-6 times a day and during the night.
He’s been taking his pills to stop, which did stop but the belly ache was even more painful, so every loose stool he didn’t take a pill (maybe every other stool)
Monday he went for his picc line cleaning and dressing changed, and he chatted to the nurse who said that this should have settled down by now so they took some bloods and asked us to wait for the results so off we went for a coffee.
another 2.5 hrs passed and still no results back, they eventually arrived and the nurse wanted to see a Dr, and he let him go home after explaining that Enzeme (spelt wrong)
you have that breaks down the chemo, mark only had half so they are going to “water” down the next dose, which the 2nd session is Wednesday 22nd ( His Birthday )
so, since we’ve had all this with Mark, I have been having a few tests and I got called to an appointment (in a different hospital) last Thursday, Mark wasn’t good that day but wanted to be there to support me.
arrived and sat in a waiting room, my appointment was 3.20 and at 4.30 I went to see if they had forgotten about me, which they said they hadn’t and I was next.
5pm, she came to get me, told me to take a cup of water with me, and off we went, got in the room to be met with a consultant, a sister, a Macmillian nurse - WHAT THE FRIG IS GOING ON! I felt sick to my stomach, and the words of Cancer we hear again, this time it was me!!!
I have Grade 1 , womb cancer, a MRI scan is needed to check it hasn’t spread and to stage the cancer, I was told a Op will be happening in 4-6 weeks to remove all my lady bits and if it hasn’t spread that should be it. I asked about Chemo and she told me that was too far down the line!
I sat there listening and it was as if someone I was sat in front of me and I was just there listening!!
Questions running round my head….
who’s going to look after me?
who’s going to look after Mark?
who’s going to do the appointments ?
what about my boys?
I thought our life what been turned upside down with everything we were told and going through with Mark but fuck me it has really turned it upside down !
Is there anyone out there who is in the same boat? How did you cope, get on with life??
I am trying not to show mark how scared I am, and everyone keeps saying your such a strong woman you will get through all this. But this strong woman is absolutely petrified of what’s to come.
Thanks for reading
Lots of Love ️
C xx
Oh my goodness.
I am so sorry to hear this and sending as much love and support to you as I can on a bloody online forum!
Macmillan will be able to help you find out what support is available to you, I’m sure. You are bound to be eligible for social care and they will know how it works. I’m also one of these “strong woman” types and it means in reality that you WILL just get on with this and work out a way. You have us here to show your vulnerability to, and we will hopefully give you a space to be scared and small.
It’s a huge positive that they’ve found this so early, you know that. The timing is absolutely fucked, but if you’d been diagnosed when Mark was further in his journey then you’d be further in yours and not in a good way
I hope you’ve joined the womb cancer forum too. I wish I could offer you more, but I am sending best wishes and you KNOW it will be alright inthe end.
Hiya Nik,
Thank you so much for reading, and replying x
I just can not believe this is happening to us, we do have a good family around us but they all have their own little families and life to get on with x
Mark and I have always said whatever life throws our way together we can sort and get through things…. But this… bloody hell, we have NO contrived and that’s the hard part…
We are normally always busy going to the theatre, live gigs, weekends away, Hoildays and we have nothing planned to look forward too as we really don’t know what the rest of 2025 is going to throw at us x
Thanks again Nic x Means a lot x
c xx
Oh my! What a mess! I'm so sorry you are going through this. It's completely unfair but then again, cancer is unfair by nature.
The definition of being strong is feeling the fear and panic but getting on with it anyway. The more panic you feel the stronger you are. Believe it.
I'm not from the UK so I can't provide practical advice but I'm always happy to listen. You have not on your plate so having a place to vent is invaluable.
Sending virtual hugs.
Hey there.
Exactly what the others have said. It broke my heart reading your post. We’ve all been or are going through horrible times so we know how you must be feeling. It’s so cruel that you and your husband have both got to go through this at the same time.
This forum got me through some really dark times when I had my colonoscopy and surgery.
Lean on your friends and family who have their own lives but will be right by your side I’m sure.
Ask your questions here that are filling your head. Use every possible resource but do not suffer in silence. I’m rubbish I can’t remember the name of my operation half the time. Before November I didn’t even know I had a sigmoid colon. I tell people it was sigma colon (if you know anyone with a child over 10 they will know that I’m not using my words correctly) I can however tell you some silly stories that have happened to me………..
Big hugs and it’s ok not to be brave and strong. I got annoyed with friends telling me I’d be ok when I felt far from ok mentally. Who the hell could be with cancer involved Xxxxx
Oh my goodness I was so sorry to read your post.
Don't know what to say except sending you lots of positive thoughts. Make sure you focus solely on yourselves for the next few months and accept any help you can. Make time for some simple pleasures a walk when you both feel okay, something nice to eat and drink, rest plenty and put something on the calendar to aim for. Hopefully your operation will be over soon and Mark will be in more of a settled routine with his treatment.
Ps the endless waiting at appointments never gets any easier I'm afraid !
Whatever cancer throws your way, we’re right there with you.
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