Chemo dose reduction

  • 6 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi everyone

I've got my fourth and final Capox round starting tomorrow. Saw the oncologist today and she decided to reduce the dose to 80% (both oxi and cape) as thought I was struggling with side effects (fatigue and some feet issues). She's assured me this is fine/will still be effective, and I have to say I'm glad of it as was dreading tomorrow (still dreading it, just slightly less!). I hope this takes the edge off the final round, or at least stops it being worse than the previous ones.

I'm just interested if anyone else who had a similar dose reduction did find the side effects eased a tiny bit? I'm still expecting to have them, obviously...just hoping I might find this last one a bit less gruelling than I was expecting.

  • I was due 4 rounds of capox.they dropped the oxy completely on the last one as I had lost my hair.but upped the cap dose.I had much less side effects and am now 5 yrs later discharged and doing ok.hope that helps.


  • I had 6 rounds of capox, reduced to 80% for the last 2 rounds.  (struggling to remember if it might have been reduced from round 3).
    I was getting some foot/leg issues and pooing to a point of not being able to stop it when they reduced my dose.   The reduced dose (and codeine for the poops) made it easier to cope with.  I still couldn't walk after infusions even with the reduced rate.    I do have neuropathy now in hands and feet, but on the plus side, I did have a good response to treatment. 
    Nutshell, yes reduced dose should help with side effects, but you might still develop others.  You are nearly there though, so best wishes Betty :)

  • They reduced my Oxaliplatin dose twice, cycles 3 and 4 of 8. I was given the option of dropping it completely after cycle 4 but chose to keep it. I was having terrible problems with the peripheral neuropathy. It did reduce those symptoms but the peripheral neuropathy worsened after treatment (a phenomenon called coasting). 

    I am happy with my progress and am hopeful for a NED on my first surveillance scan. I'll get those results next week. 

  • I had my last two doses of oxaliplatin reduced by 20% as they were worried about neuropathy and the side effects were defintly less severe after both rounds, my arm was less sensitive and I just generally felt better in myself.

    Unfortunately I developed neuropathy in my toes after my last cycle that is still there 6 months later. 

  • Thanks for your replies everyone. Had dose reduced and definitely helped with reduced hand/arm pain after infusion (for Oxi) and I think slightly less fatigue with reduced cap. Still got the lingering slight queasiness and dry/peeling foot...but have my last tablets tomorrow (can't believe how many of the things I've taken in the last few weeks...over 400 of the buggers!) so hoping those things ease a bit after that.

  • Oh my! I daren't think about how many of those Cape tablets I took.   I know that in the final week I was tempted to just give up taking them, but I didn't.   Hated them with a passion as I'm sure you do.     I will be giving you a little cheer as you take the last ones. 
    I'm nearly a year after end of chemo.  I have neuropathy (I coasted)  and I am struggling cognitively, but I have had a good response to treatment so far in respect of my tumour.
    I have few veins left in my hands/arms, they've not come back yet after the oxy infusions.
    Just keep on being positive Betty!   
    Big hugs x