MRI and colonoscopy .

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  • 106 subscribers

I have colonoscopies every 3 years for past 15 years due to having crohns disease ,first one had 2 polyps ,none since then,  recent one was very thorough and prep was excellent, nothing found again.GI ordered MRI to check small bowel as Crohns is in my small bowel and it came back with 3.5 cm stricture or carcinoma in LARGE bowel.GI felt something wasn't right with this as I don't have large bowel strictures and Colonoscopy would not have missed a 3.5 cm cancer ,but as it takes a very long time to get MRI'S done and read here ,he ordered another colonoscopy ,GI is very experienced ,bowel prep excellent and area MRI said cancer was thoroughly checked ,NOTHING found again .He feels something was amiss with MRI.As no way would such a large cancer be missed twice .I talked to my GP about second opinion and she feels its not needed as already had 2 colonoscopies .I'm still very concerned .

  • Hi  - sounds a bit amiss having differing results. If you have doubts, then yes, I would ask for a second opinion. Maybe ask your Consultant (instead of your GP) if the original MRI report can be reviewed again - perhaps there was an error in the reporting? If there is a long waiting list for an MRI scan locally, are you in a position to pay for it privately- that is, if a repeat scan is recommended? What about a contrast CT? 
    It’s all a bit unsettling isn’t it? I can understand why you are worried x 

  • My GI is very confident he wouldn't miss something that big especially twice ,he did say he would do another scan in 6 months but I think that was just to settle my nerves as 6 months is so far off.I'M seeing him again soon and will push for earlier scan .

  • I do think there's something amiss with the MRI. It seems like 3.5 cm would be hard for anyone to miss once but twice? Very unlikely. 

    I think pressing for another MRI makes sense. Six months seems a very long time to wait. 

  • Thanks Susan ,My GP thinks he just said another one in 6 months to settle me as he knew I was still a bit scared ,GP thinks I have nothing to worry about. I was very lucky to get 2 colonoscopies so close together as paid for by government as are MRI's if ordered by a specialist, so they don't like to do them unless absolutely needed .I will push for one sooner even if I have to pay for it myself ,just to ease my mind.