Back to work......

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So, diagnosed v recently,  still having scans, operation hopefully end of Jan. Work v supportive, told a colleague who knew what was going on and they immediately asked what the prognosis is. I don't know, hopefully good?! Honestly,  dealing with all this on top of everything else is exhausting! Hope you are all doing ok xxx

  • I found that very hard and when i accidentally answered with my true prognosis, I realised no-one actually meant to ask it. My literal answer back floored a few so I'd suggest find a phase that suits you and just keep re-using it, if anyone asks again.

    Well done for being back at work and I hope you'll find it a positive morale boost.

  • go easy on yourself, you are doing amazing 

    i found I could not concentrate at work at all.  I went through the motions but made so many mistakes.  Nothing major but asking for info that people had already sent etc   

    I’d been sacked from a previous job (2 years ago) while grieving after my dad died  I’d only worked there for 2 weeks when he was diagnosed and passed 6 days later.  Still makes me angry that any employer would kick me when I was down   I worked so hard and was constantly told I was doing really well  

    So you can imagine I thought here we go again…….thankfully my employer waited until I told them what I was going through.  My boss said she knew something was up and the support I received has been amazing. I’m 3 weeks post surgery and feeling good but extremely tired as soon as I do anything so just don’t know when I should expect to be back at work but I’m not being put under any pressure.  

  • Thank you,  it's hard to navigate isn't it? I saw someone the other day who in greeting said v enthusiastically and loudly 'are you well?'. .... just something people say, but....... I don't really like my job, but can work from home and they are supportive.  It's v odd though as I feel normal physically,  and the wider team doesn't know, so it's messing with my head a bit! Xx

  • Hi, that is rubbish how you were treated when your dad died, appalling. Great you are getting support now. Nurse said it's a big operation,  so think at least 8 weeks off. I can't wait to get the operation done, hate the thought of the tumour there. Just got to have Liver MRI to check out a small spot. I still have huge problems believing this is real. As for work, well, i wouldn't say I am that productive..........Keep on resting and recovering xx

  • It’s hard to believe it’s real I agree.  For me I think because I felt well.  

    I didn’t ask anyone how long I should take off work.  To be honest I didn’t ask many questions I was just super happy that they could and would operate.  

    I hope your liver MRI goes well.  On Monday I was back at the hospital to see the breast clinic because something showed up on my CT scan.  Thankfully just cysts.  

  • Oh so glad just cysts! Fantastic news. I too feel well, all mighty odd. Was anaemic but no bowel trouble! I have surprised myself how little I want to know.... just that the consultant talked of operating was a weight lifted, in my head it was inoperable.  Now I am worried about it taking over my entire body while I wait .......... I don't want to know stage, ins and outs of biopsy, any of it. Nurse was really adamant I look at taking 8 weeks recovery,  she said the tiredness is hard to cope with if you are working. Take care xx

  • I’ve been exactly the same.  I just realised today that I never asked when I could / should go back to work.  I’ve no idea if all of my sigmoid colon was removed or some or how big my tumour was or stage.  I did go to my original meeting with the surgeon and I was praying for stage 1 or 2 but I actually don’t really know what it means so when he said operable and cureable I didn’t ask.  Someone at work did say to me what if your cancer grows while you’re waiting and I know I had symptoms for a year so what difference would a few weeks make……it made no difference at all.  

  • What a helpful thing for your work colleague to say, crazy! I have read bowel tumours grow v slowly. I imagine if it looked nearly out the bowel wall on the scan this would have been flagged. The torment is bad! Am hoping operation end of Jan, consultant said approx 4 weeks,  unless liver needs attention first.....  odd thing for me is I have no symptoms,  went to doctors as exhausted and was anaemic. Fabulous you were told treatable and cureable, that's all you need to know xxx

  • I found work was a space that was a challenge to navigate. After my colonoscopy, I didn’t take any time off work. While waiting for all the results to come back on the 2 week pathway, I continued to work but my head was not in the game, so to speak.

    I started my leave a few days before my op, and the preceding weeks were filled with panic, clearing all my paperwork, managing my deadlines, delegating tasks off to others…I was so stressed out from work, that it exhausted me leading into my operation. Mentally & physically, I felt unprepared and rushed. 

    In hindsight, I should have gone off sick sooner. Just to allow my body to rest.

    I also had work colleagues asking about my diagnosis details - as I work in Healthcare, I found that it was a challenge to keep the cards close to my chest. The uncertainty of the diagnosis itself didn’t help matters either.

    I sometimes feel a pressure to provide updates, with a pressure or expectation as to when I’ll be ready to come back to work… does anyone else feel that pressure?

    I spoke to GP about it as it was causing background anxiety, and she signed me off for 6 months and told be to stop worrying about work. She took the decision out of my hands - which in a way, I’m grateful for.

  • Hi   so glad you are signed off and can shelve work. Am definitely feeling the work anxiety.  Currently only my manager and a few know. After colonoscopy I was off the week before Christmas,  was so mind blown. But now back. I work for a Uni in research support, so hybrid,  but I am just working from home currently so people will be wondering.  I have a liver MRI Weds...... then shld be clearer re plan. Have a week off next week as we were meant to going to Malta, probably going to keep it to try and exercise,  get head straight. 

    I just can't decide how much information to give wider team. Off for an operation? Give the reason? Part of me wants to normalise this hideous illness, but with that comes huge vulnerability and questions from people.

    I really hope you can detach from work expectations, pressure to return and focus on your recovery xx