How to deal with the wait?

  • 4 replies
  • 107 subscribers

Hi everyone,

firstly, I hope you’re all having a good Christmas.

I’ve been having digestive issues for the last three years but always upper left side, excess acid etc. Had two Endoscopies which were clear and a consultant diagnosed me with functional dyspepsia that came and went. At the start of this year I started having some slight lower left pain and occasional fleeting stabbing pains in the same area. I then had a none contrast abdominal and pelvic CT in January which was clear and I had no symptoms for a few months. Forward to a couple of months ago and I started getting stabbing pains that moved around my abdomen along with lots of flatulence and just once a stool covered in brown mucus. So my GP did full bloods which were normal and got a qFIT test sent out to me which came back positive yesterday at 31.The GP has today put me on the two week pathway which has pretty much taken all the joy out of Christmas and kicked my anxiety in to overdrive. I’m not sure how I will get through the two weeks with my brain going straight to the worst case scenario. How do you manage the waiting and keep your fears in check? Thanks for reading. 

  • Try not to worry too much. It sounds likely that you have some bowel disease but it isn't necessarily cancer. The fact that problems have been building for years and you've been clear before all points to a greater likelihood of a noncancer diagnosis like inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, etc. The vast majority of colonoscopies do not find cancer. 

    This isn't to minimize your pain, those other diseases can be miserable but I am hoping it will relieve your worry a bit. Try to set it aside and focus on enjoying your holiday

  • Thank you for the reply. Logically I know there can be many reasons. It’s just hard not to go to the dark places.

    hope you have a good Christmas.

  • Am going through a similar experience to you.

    Had a cat scan today and a colonoscopy on the 27th. I am also extremely anxious but trying to keep it together so I don't ruin my family’s  Christmas. Trying to take one day at a time.

  • Thanks for the reply. Hope everything is good on your colonoscopy. It is hard to keep positive isn’t it?