FIT Test

  • 2 replies
  • 108 subscribers

Hi all, 

Sorry to be posting but I have such bad anxiety and just before Christmas. I’ve been getting upset stomach issues with both diareah and then constipation after, loud digestion noises, nausea, loss oTired faceappetite. I haven’t loss weight yet and my iron levels and fbc come back fine. Dr asked me to do FIT tests which i did. First come back 8.7 and second come back 12 so I’ve been referred urgently. ThTired face has ruined Christmas and i cannot even think straight worried that this is cancer Tired faceTired faceTired faceTired faceTired face

  • Hi  The important thing is that you’re going to get checked out but please try to focus on the facts for now.

    Your iron and fbc are both good

    Youre not losing weight

    Your fit test is very low and only just over the level for further investigation

    Youve not mentioned any blood in your stools?

    The bowel changes and noises could be caused by stress and anxiety or something like ibs, colitis, diverticulitis etc.

    Please try to focus on the positives above as worrying will cause more gurglings and rumblings and then you’ll worry more?

    Only 1 in 10 colonoscopies results in a bowel cancer diagnosis so please try to put this to the back of your mind for now and enjoy Christmas?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thanks so much Karen. I’m honestly such a worrier, my dr wasn’t very reassuring to be honest and i really don’t want this to ruin Christmas. The bad episodes happen for at like a week at a time and usually coincide with awful headaches. I’m trying to hard to remain positive x