Contrast Dye and CT Scan

  • 11 replies
  • 116 subscribers

Hi, I had my CT scan today, and as soon as the contrast dye went in I had the most disconcerting irregular heartbeat. Technician didn't seem too bothered as my breathing was ok. I do suffer from anxiety, palpitations, panic, so not sure if it was a panic attack, it just seemed to directly correlate to the dye going in. Am totally new to this (isn't everyone though) everything has been a total shock so I wouldn't be surprised if my body is struggling a bit. 

Just wondered if anyone else had a reaction to the dye, and if so, is a CT without contrast ok for the future? Just not sure I want to go through that again.

Hope everyone is doing ok, all seems a bit harder this time of year xx

  • If you have to have another, mention it to the staff before you go.  It is a majorly stressful thing and, like you say, it’s all new, but better to be safe.

  • Hi  I think it would have been a bit of panic rather than a reaction but mention it next time you go. You’ll have quite a few of these scans so it would be good to get used to them?

    Its a weird feeling when the dye goes in - you get a warm feeling in your groin that feels a bit like you’ve wet yourself but haven’t! - then a funny metallic taste in your mouth. Apparently it highlights the area that they’re scanning but I don’t know how the dye knows where to go! 

    Please keep posting as the support and replies on here will help you through this

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  •   thank you.  I thought I felt ok but then didn't when the dye went in. Have had panic stuff before so could be that. Thanks for support xxx

  • Hi  

    Due to my poor veins the contrast can be very painful when inserted. A radiologist last year recommended they go at slower rate.

    The scan this week had the usual burn but nothing worse than that, so I was happy. I was very glad I reminded them and they were more than happy to oblige.

    If you let the radiologists know on the form, and then remind them in person, that your felt irregular heartbeat last time, they can talk through things that may help. It may be how they do things through to how you relax and breath beforehand.

  •   thanks, I feel like I have fallen at the first hurdle! Am v stressed though, also crap veins so a battle to get cannula in. I didn't feel too bad until dye went in. Wow what a thing this is!!! Xxx

  • I agree with mentioning it to them next time. I'd also mention to my doctor, maybe he can prescribe an anti-anxiety pill to ease it for you. 

    They do CTs without contrast for people who are allergic but the images are not as good and ut increases the possibility that something might be missed. 

  • Thanks I will. It just shocked me as I usually keep things together when need be, but my heart had other ideas yesterday! Xx

  • Oh you are not alone, I promise you. And we're not falling or failing - I say we just need a little more tender care.

  • Iodine contrast often course funny reactions, I wouldn't worry and just tell the radiologist at the next scan. It is basically impossible not to get a vein, truly don't worry.

  • Hello Sweetie,

    I completely understand how you feel you “fell at the first hurdle” with the CT scan. I also have crap veins, so I’ve had cannulas fail, veins hiding and wiggling around. I also had a serious reaction to my chemo and after 2 really horrible reactions, my adjuvant chemo was completely stopped. My oncologist made me feel absolutely loads better though when she said “You can’t feel as if you’ve failed when it’s how your body has reacted and you have absolutely no power or control over it”.  

    That is literally it. Whether it is anxiety, a physical issue, a genetic issue (as I had with capecitabine) or anything else-it’s completely beyond your control. As others have said, just let the staff know how you feel. I have always found they are totally accommodating and often have a few tips and tricks to help you because it’s literally what they do every day and they must have come across all sorts of stuff. ( When I felt the dye going in I started laughing, they must have thought I was crazy!)

    Take Care and don’t be so hard on yourself because we’re all on a damn difficult journey right now. 

    All the best,
