Just had my phone appointment and not sure what to expect. Feeling very anxious

  • 2 replies
  • 105 subscribers

Hello, I joined earlier this week as my GP has referred me on the 2ww pathway because I have anemia, pelvic pain and a positive FIT sample.

I've just had a telephone appointment to discuss my referral and been told I will be having a colonoscopy and a CT scan. 

When I asked how long until I have them done he told me 'hopefully in 2 weeks time' 

I'm unsure whether this means a longer wait than I was expecting and I'm just wondering if others have any experience of the same and how long they've waited for an appointment? 

The waiting is really hard and I just need to know one way or another but now I'm worried about how long it's going to be. 

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help 

  • 9/10 colonoscopies after a positive FIT test are non-cancerous, so try not to be worried. Bowel cancer is notoriously slow growing.

    As for timings it depends on the local health authority, no doubt the over 50s screening program has lead to increased wait times for a colonoscopy. For me, I am due a colonoscopy as a 2-year followup for treatment, it was due end of Nov but likely will be scheduled for mid-Jan. The CT did happen on time. The good news is CT and a follow-up MRI were clear so I'm not too worried about it. 

  • Hi  and thank you for replying. I have had a phone call this morning and I have my CT scan tomorrow at 5pm so at least the wheels are in motion and I'm extremely grateful for it being so quick.

    It's reassuring to know that the majority of people with a positive FIT result don't have cancer so I'm trying to keep reminding myself of that and hoping I'm one of those people. 

    I'm glad to hear that your CT and MRI scans were both clear, that's very reassuring for you so fingers crossed that when you get your colonoscopy done it's all clear too. 

    Thank you for sharing with me xx