Alternative treatments

  • 4 replies
  • 109 subscribers

We just got results from my mother-in-law's CT and she has a mass in her colon. They will do a colonoscopy tomorrow to take a biopsy but it looks very likely to be colon cancer. 

Unfortunately, my mother-in-law has Alzheimer's and is very far along with the disease. She no longer recognizes her children.  She doesn't even remember that she was married and her husband is dead (bladder cancer).

She is not able to cooperate with treatment and her children are already contemplating refusing treatment. We saw how difficult the treatment was for me and they don't want her to suffer when she won't even be able to grasp what or why. They want her to have the best possible quality of life for whatever time she has left. 

I'm reaching out to see if there are any treatments available that would slow progression and allow her to stay comfortable. Doesn't need to be the best treatment or a treatment that will lead to a cure. We are only looking for keeping her comfortable.  

On a personal note, this is a bit devastating to watch. It would be a little easier if it weren't the same cancer I have been fighting.  It feels like cancer is winning. Sorry to ramble a bit, no matter that you've done, it still hits hard. 

  • Sorry to hear this. Perhaps see what the treatment might be. Eg a stent might stop the bowel blocking. But yes it does seem you might be facing a difficult decision. ((Hugs))

  • Thank you.

    She had the colonoscopy today and there are 2 masses, 1 almost blocking the colon. There is active bleeding and she was so anemic she needed a blood transfusion.  The doctor doing the procedure thinks it is very likely to be camcer but he won't say definitely until biopsy comes back. 

    The family is reeling a bit but everyone is on the same page. She was suffering prior to discovery of the cancer and no one wants her to suffer more. 

    In truth, this processing has happened very fast. We went thru this with his father. And fortunately we had a detailed conversation with his mother before the Alzheimer's took her mind. We know what she wanted done and what she didn't want done. And everyone is on board with her wishes. 

    It doesn't make it any less difficult emotionally but confidence that we are following her wishes gives some comfort. 

    Lesson learned: talk to your loved ones about your preferences before anything happens. 

  • Sounds like you and family know what your mil wanted, and as a family you know what you need to do. Very tough decision to actually follow through with her wishes. She shouldn't ever be in pain, some comfort. Thinking of you, (((hugs))) and here if you want to talk

  • Thank you! This has been tremendously difficult. Harder in many ways than my own cancer. I was able to fight and she can't. 

    Cancer is a bit of a bully!