POSITIVE FIT with symptoms - is this typical of cancer

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  • 102 subscribers

Hi all.  I’m new here and just needing to hear others experiences if possible.  I have just had my FIT results come back with a level of 54.  While I know this isn’t exceptionally high, I also have the following symptoms:

around 4 weeks ago I started bleeding from my back passage.  Large amounts of blood (literally pouring out of me and filling the toilet) several times a day.  This lasted just over a week.  The blood cleared up and since then I have experienced extreme tummy cramps every time I eat - sharp pains in my lower left abdomen and then period like cramps for a good couple of hours after I eat. I have Constant back and Hhip pain, like a pressure causing them to ache.  I feel nauseous all the time but even more so when I eat.  I’m extremely gassy and my stomach makes the most horrendous sounds.  My feet and calves feel a little swollen and ache as though I’ve done a long run.  Despite not eating much because of how it makes me feel I’ve put on around 5lbs in 4 weeks and feel incredibly bloated.  I’m knackered beyond belief all the time, zero energy.  

my bloods came back with high B12 and Ferritin levels but low iron.  I also had increased nucleated red blood cells.  Then the fit came in at 54 and the other stool sample (can’t remember what it was called) showed inflammation.  

for context I’m a 46 year old, otherwise healthy, female.  

my gp has put me on a two week referral for colonoscopy.  I’m scared, I can’t lie. 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. As you say a reading of 54 is not particularly high but it’s still important to get checked out.

    Only 1 in 10 colonoscopies results in a bowel cancer diagnosis - there are other conditions that can cause blood in the stool like piles, polyps, colitis, ibs, diverticulitis etc. 

    Hopefully you’ll get your appointment through soon but try not to let your imagination run wild as stressing will only cause more symptoms and more worry?

    Take care and please let us know how you get on?

    Karen x

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