Waiting to see consultant, feeling very anxious

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  • 103 subscribers


I had a gastroscopy and colonoscopy with polypectomy 4 weeks ago. I still have a bigger polyp that needs removal.
I was told at the time that nothing looked cancerous but the bigger one looked precancerous. I also had a CT weeks ago which showed a liver lesion. 
I had a liver MRI on Wednesday and yesterday got an appointment through to see consultant in 2 weeks. I’m worried. Has anyone had similar experiences please?


  • Hey there.  I’m going through something very similar.  I have a villions tumour (apologies if the spelling is wrong). I’ve had a CT scan and I’m waiting for my case to be reviewed on Tuesday.  Take comfort from the term pre cancerous!!!  I’ve been to some dark places over the last few weeks and now my head has started to realise that not picking out the scary words but the positive ones is better.   

    im keeping everything crossed for you but please please do things that you love and be kind to yourself for the next two weeks because the alternative is to drive yourself crazy with worry xxxxx

  • Hi  I had a similar experience with the liver and it turned out to be a harmless haemangioma. These are benign cysts in the liver which are very common and people can go through life being none the wiser unless they have a scan. 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi, I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this agonising wait too.

    It’s the fact that they’ve called me for an appointment only two days after MRI that is worrying me. But hopefully it’s just an appointment to let me know officially about the next colonoscopy etc. 

    I hope your wait goes quickly, I agree keeping busy does help. 

  • Hi, 

    Thank you for your reply. Yes I’m hoping this is it. The original reason I went for all these investigations was change in voice and heart burn. Then had high FIT test and low ferritin so hoping everything so far is explanation for those things. 

  • Hi, yes I too (yesterday) had an MRI with contrast scan on my liver which has really knocked my confidence with my own recent diagnosis. My Pre Op nurse said it’s often just routine to get a better picture- but I’m really on emotional tenterhook’s at the moment. 

  • Hiya, I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis and that you are going through this. I hope you have a clear plan soon. 

  • Thanking you kindly