Frustrating oncology appointment

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  • 111 subscribers

I have just had a frustrating oncology appointment. My consultant, who I’ve only seen once and didn’t have a great first impression, was off sick so I saw another doctor (non-consultant) who had no idea why I was there. This was meant to be my chemoradiotherapy planning appointment. I did have the planning scan and was told there would be another 3 weeks before treatment starts. It will be 5 weeks since my meeting with the surgeon and oncologist when they told me the plan from the MDT. This waiting is very hard. I don’t have any confidence in the oncology department so far as all the appointments have been sketchy. Should I go for a second opinion elsewhere? I suspect that will just delay treatment further. 

  • Yes unfortunately it is frustrating. I had to ask for a second opinion after I lost confidence in my original oncologist. It didn't delay the process, as my second opinion was being gathered while I was waiting for the original treatment plan to start. They said to me that it would only delay things if I chose to go with another hospital, as in for example, moving from Clatterbridge Liverpool to The Christie in Manchester. 

    But as soon as I got a second opinion from the Christie, Clatterbridge reviewed everything and changed their mind to match the second opinion and things got moving again. 

    Always worth speaking to PALS, patient liaison services. They're there not just for complaints, but to communicate between patients and doctors. 

    Hope things get moving the right direction for you soon

  • Hi neilio57 can I ask how is your treatment is going at clatterbridge I am also a patient there my oncologist is Ms Anthonypilai excuse the spelling. I have now been waiting 2 months for a diagnosis had loads of scans and biopsies which up to now are inconclusive and I’m now waiting my last biopsy results which I will hopefully get at my appointment on Friday.

    take care Thumbsup

  • Hi, my treatment is up and down. Some positive news after radiotherapy but 2 different rounds of chemo hasn't done much. Now in in a qué for surgery.

    I had also seen the same person as you, but mainly for guidance on radiotherapy. She seemed good with me, although she wasn't my main oncologist. I had been transfered to a Dr Montazries (again, apologies on the spelling) he seemed really good. Also at Clatterbridge. 

    Best advice I can give is stay in contact with your specialist Nurse and PALS. I always thought PALS was for raising complaints, but they're actually really good at communicating between yourself and the doctors to explain why there are waiting times etc.... most of the time is for a reason but we just don't get told. 

    Waiting is absolutely the worst part for me too. On treatments, my mental health at least was able to get used to a schedule. 

    Hope you get sorted soon

  • Thank you nelio57 for the advice. I hope your treatment goes well for you.

    best wishes Hugging

  • I’ve just been rung from the MDT as they want me to have another MRI…..more waiting. Let’s hope that doesn’t push the chemorad back further 

  • Losing confidence in Clatterbridge.  Chemo appointment not sent through, random appointments sent through for the following week to see Oncologist when we have seen them a few days ago.  Can’t get through to anyone on the phone.  Stage 4 cancer.

  • Hi Dewy, I am also having treatment at Clatterbridge have you tried this number 0151 556 5154. Always check if you see your oncologist then within a short time you get another appointment as it might not be necessary this has happened to me. I am finding it a lot to take in and I’m also stressed about my treatment. Have you got a Nurse Cancer Specialist you can always give them a call they can help out with any worries you might have. 
    take care of yourself x