LAR, complications after the op

  • 12 replies
  • 100 subscribers

Hi all, we’re considering a break away after my op on the 10th, has anyone experienced any complications after the op? Considering going to Cornwall the last week of the month, whilst my partner is driving i’m a bit concerned about being so far away if i need assistance or anything else.

  • Hi  

    You may find this particular sub forum in the stoma group to be useful to take a look at, just for any extra information.

    Stoma Reversal and Lars

    How far away for you is Cornwall? If you’re only having your op on the 10th of this month, it does seem early to be thinking about going away 2-3 weeks later. LAR is considered a major surgery, and it can take some weeks to recover. 

    As my op was very different, I’m not able to advise. I was still in hospital for 2 weeks after my surgery so couldn’t have contemplated being away from home, but others who have had a LAR will hopefully be able to share their post surgery experiences for you.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah, perhaps you’re right, i did speak to the surgeon’s secretary so like you say, maybe a break away could be out the question.

    See what they say but sounds like the idea isn’t viable, we’re 4+ hours from Cornwall.

  • Oh, that’s a long way to go when you’ve just had surgery. The bowel can go on strike and something called ileus can happen which would be an issue in itself after the op. I would think that even if there are no complications with the op, it might be ambitious to expect to be travelling such a distance while you’re recovering. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi  

    Sarah has given you good advice and, as a fellow LAR patient, I'd agree with her.

    Firstly, you won't know until after the op how long you might be in hospital. If things go smoothly you could be in for as little as 5 days but that can't be guaranteed. Even with that, you won't be fighting fit straight away. The op takes a lot out of you and you'll likely find that you need lots of little rests throughout the day. i. e.  Do a little, rest a lot. There will be wounds to heal - irrespective of how the op is carried out ( keyhole, laparascopic or open surgery). I developed a seroma at one of my wounds which opened it and although it wasn't painful it needed to be packed and dressed by the practice nurse for a few weeks. More of an inconvenience than anything else mind you. I don't know if you're expecting a stoma or not. But if that happens then it might take a few weeks of getting used to and managing. Again, nothing to be worried about but something to consider. Even without a stoma your bowel habits may be a bit erratic in the early days.

    Sorry if this sounds a bit gloomy, I don't mean it to and you may just sail through. A wee break would certainly be something nice to look forward to so could you maybe book something that either has free cancellation or could be moved to a slightly later date if needed? Might be worth checking.

    I must say though, you have a great attitude and positivity which is important.

    Best wishes

  • Yes totally agree after hearing back from the secretary we’ve ruled it out.

  • Haha, i’m trying to remain positive and trying to face this head on, agree they don’t know how it goes till on the day, hence they let you know a stoma may be likely so it’s not a shock when you come round. I believe it’s key hole, and yes i was also informed today recovery could be weeks, so definitely no break away.

    Just been looking how long before GA you can have a drink, generally it says 48hrs, i’m contemplating getting some wine tonight and then that’s it.

    I know sooner you stop the better, but i think one last time won’t hurt Ok hand tone1

  • Don't discount the break away entirely - just delay it a bit till you're fit enough to enjoy it. And it will be great to have something to look forward to.

    Enjoy the wine too. A little of what you fancy and all that.

    Good luck for later this week and let us know how you get on. Lots of nice folk on here to answer any questions you might have and we're all willing you on.

    Take care.

  • I would normal say go for it as regards having a glass of wine, and don’t want to be a Debbie downer, but I thought you were on diazepam or similar? I wouldn’t personally risk any drink if you are on something like that, as it normally says no alcohol while on these, but apologies if you’re not.

    I’ve had several surgeries in the last few years and chose not to have anything alcoholic to drink in the run up to them. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Double,

    Good luck with your surgery!

    I went on holiday 14 days after my LAR (no stoma). The holiday had been booked before my diagnosis and couldn’t be cancelled. Ten days after my surgery I had a meeting with my surgeon who said I was good to go. If he had advised against it, we would not have gone, since our accommodation was on an island with limited medical facilities.  

  • Hi Vis, i’ve chosen to stay at home, i won’t know what outcome it will be till i come round, with or without stoma, but i think i’d prefer to be close to the hospital rather than another one who has no background as to what i’ve had done etc.