Colonoscopy Query

  • 5 replies
  • 100 subscribers

Hi All,

I’m 41 year old female and I’ve had chronic diarrhoea for 8 months, weight loss, a full feeling after opening bowels, occasional blood on paper / in stools, nausea and fatigue. After a mix up at my GP I’ve ended up with 2 referrals. One for fast track for suspected colorectal cancer (appointment is next week) and an urgent referral to another consultant for advice and guidance who requested a colonoscopy, which I had yesterday. 

I came out of the colonoscopy feeling quite positive- had 5 polyps removed and biopsies taken and diverticular disease diagnosed. However reading though my report now the sedation has worn off. I’ve had 5 polyps removed and sent for biopsies, a further 12 biopsies taken and a number of photos taken. 

This led me to google (I know I shouldn’t have) If this is normal,  and they all say ‘biopsies may be taken if abnormalities are seen’. And it’s freaked me out a bit as walked out feeling quite positive as presumed they would have said if there was anything they were concerned about? so I guess my question is, if anyone has a similar experience / if this seems normal? 

I know I don’t have long to wait but would appreciate anyone’s views / thoughts / experiences. 

Thanks for reading my essay x

  • Hi Abd82,

    Rule No1...never google, its an anti-social media platform for everything bad in the world.

    In my experience, they give you bad news on the same day. My colonoscopy revealed a malignant tumour which I was told about before they would let me out. Biopsies are pretty much standard in todays CYA culture. Polyps are much friendlier than tumours. The important thing is that you are being treated and hopefully you will notice a difference very soon. All the best for a speedy recovery. xx

  • Hi PhilCo,

    Thanks so much for your reply and reassurance. 

    I hope everything is going okay with your treatment xx

  • Hi Abd82,

    All polyps taken have to be biopsied just incase, and with diverticular disease it can seem inflamed in areas if it's ever developed into diverticulosis, it's precautionary. My experience was I was told straight away that there was a large tumor almost blocking my colon, and was almost certainly the C.

    Wishing you all the best and as tempting as it is to use Google, try not to take on too much from there x

  • Hi Sunlion

    Thank you for sharing your experience and your reassurance. I hope everything is going okay with you

    Thanks x

  • Hi abd

    Never try to second guess biopsies they will be what they are, most are nothing sinister, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2017 after colonoscopy, told there and then it was very probably cancer by oncologist...he was right.

    Take care 
