Colon cancer diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 98 subscribers

Good afternoon.   I am a 74 year old lady and have recently been diagnosed with colon cancer in the ceacum .  Fortunately it has not spread so it is localised to only that area.

I have been scheduled surgery in 2 weeks time and am having a right hemicolectomy the keyhole method one.   However because I have had 3 C Section with childbirth there might be some amount of sczr tissue so if surgeon has difficulty because of that he will then do open surgery. 

I sm extremely positive ( I have had breast cancer 22 years ago and although was early stages I still needed chemo but thankfully been.ok up to now ).

So I think I know more orvless what to expect although toy knowledge this surgery is more complex than the mastectomy I had 22 years ago.

The one thing that concerns me if the risks involved however I suppose any surgery has some kind of risks .

I cannot leave it as it could spread to other organs.   Although positive I am nervous about risks specially leakage at the joining as it can be serious.

I was just wondering if anyone has had the dsme surgery like the one I am about to have and how was your experience.   I am otherwise quite healthy for my age although diabetic 2 and was born with only 1 kidney and kidney function in the middle.   The diabetes is controlled with medication. 

Surgeon said only know if I need chemo afterwards .

Thanks so much Pray for taking the time to read my post 

  • Hi Mena.....Wow! Mother nature just keeps on giving...

    I'm a 72 year old (male) and recently had my colon resectioned, keyhole surgery took nearly 6 hours which is the longest sleep I've had in years. Similar to you I had internal scarring (though not from C sections) hence the slightly extended op time. Probably took out about 10 cms as well as a few lymph nodes. Colons stapled & so far not leaked, I'm guessing your surgical team know what they're doing so don't worry about things you can't control, it's the long warning list of 'what could go wrong' that terrifies us the most. It's just the standard CYA to indemnify everyone. I was classed as a 'Fit Gentleman' because I cycled for half an hour wearing a breathing mask...don't ask me to jog! The histology on the lymph nodes they 'harvested' came back clear of any nasties, but because the tumour was close to a blood vessel (high risk) I'm scheduled for Adjuvant Chemo starting next week. I almost didn't opt for it once I read the CYA list of potential side effects but in the end decided to suck it and see. Op recovery would have been much longer with open surgery so very pleased to have healed very quickly AND didn't need a stoma which was another relief.

    Hang in there Mena, this is easy compared to what youve already been through. Just enjoy life.

  • Thanks so much for your message it really makes me feel so much better .  Wishing you all the best with your chemo treatment and wishing you a full speedy recovery. Thank you once again