Precancerous polyps

  • 4 replies
  • 99 subscribers

Had a colonoscopy yesterday. They removed six polyps, one of which they said was precancerous and was 25mm. The doctor said there was no cancer present but today I got a phone call saying I need to go and see a doctor to discuss the results from pathology. From being relieved I’m now full of anxiety again. Has anyone on here had a similar experience? Why would he say there was no cancer if there was a doubt?

  • Hi sweetie. The trouble is they don’t know for sure until it’s been looked at in pathology. But even if it is something they will guide you. I had a large polyp removed in June. I was told not to worry it was probably nothing. In July I was told the polyp was full of cancer. But he had removed it with a healthy margin. I then had bloods and ct scan to see if it had spread. It hadn’t. I’m now on surveillance and colonoscopy every 12 months with bloods every 6 and ct scan. So even though it was cancer it has gone. It could be IBD or something else. I would say don’t worry but you will because we all do. But no matter what the lovely people on here are always there for you. Good luck. Jan x

  • So pleased you’re ok. Thanks for replying. I really don’t understand why the doctor was so sure there was no cancer. He even said that no further investigation is required.

  • Hopefully they are just crossing the T's so to speak and their is nothing sinister to report.  When do you have to go back for the appointment?  

  • On Tuesday. I’m emotionally exhausted. I’ll let you know.