Red flag symptoms + Calprotectin 610

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Hi all, i went to the GP out of hours on Sat 21st September after noticing blood on my stool. Aside from this o had absolutely no other symptoms, weight fine and exercise 6 times a week with lots of heavy lifting in the gym. As seems standard (I’m 28 years old) I was told this was likely piles or a tear due to lifting in the gym, given cream and told to come back in a few weeks. I also had a rectal exam which shows nothing but a small pile externally.

The caveat to this was that I explained my mother has had Colitis since early 30’s, my uncle had a bowel cancer obstruction successfully operated in his late 50’s and my grandmother who I sadly didn’t know died in her 40’s from bowel cancer but also had Colitis. Based on this I requested a calprotectin test. 
Whilst awaiting that I also had bloods done which showed no inflammation no anemia and normal results but slightly lower calcium (I put this down to concentrated beetroot capsules I’d been taking a month prior)


Fast forward one week (27th Sept) my calprotectin has come back as 610. I have received a referral to gastro there and then by the GP. I’m fortunate to pay privately for insurance so I obtained authorisation and have an appt tomorrow (1st Oct) and will more than likely have a colonoscopy. 

I had a colonoscopy done 4 years ago which was “Indeterminate Colitis” with mild patchy mucosa. I have two biopsies which revealed no colitis and was discharged to monitor symptoms.


I have severe health anxiety and since my calprotectin I have completely lost my appetite. I feel like I have all of a sudden developed all the symptoms of bowel cancer in one go. I still pass stool once a day and eat 3 meals but I feel overwhelmingly fatigued and still have blood in my stool. One thing that I wanted to ask this forum specifically was about back pain. I’ve had lower back for 3 weeks now which I put down to going to the gym. At one point about 3 weeks ago the back pain was so bad I couldn’t wait to sit down. Now my back pain is a regular every day occurrence with no obvious cause and it’s not from the gym. I’ve read plenty of posts here about back pain being a symptom and not being mentioned in the general list of symptomsassociated with bowel cancer.

I’m so anxious I could cry. I honestly feel like it’s just a matter of time before I’m diagnosed and would like to get started on treatment as soon as possible, especially as my back pain is so bad. 

Any thoughts or similar symptoms would be good to hear

- James

  • Hi James

    I’m 47 and was diagnosed with rectal cancer in May. I had blood in my stools. It wasn’t bright red but kind of mixed in( excuse the up front saying it how it is). Suffered from bloating and urgency to go to the toilet. I wwasn’t able to go even with an urge. As far as back ache, I did suffer as apparently my tumour was leaning against the fatty tissue on the bottom of my spine. which in turn left no fatty tissue. 
    Although I’m telling you this, this doesn’t mean it’ll be this for you. I prepared for every eventuality leading up to diagnosis and this helped me a lot. I had a colonoscopy which found the tumour. Also had raised levels on my FITT test which indicated low iron anaemia. 
    I’m just completing chemo and then onto rradiation and surgery and they’ve told me the tumour has already shrunk! 

    Whatever is happening with you, you’re doing the right thing getting checked. Persist with doctors if you’re not happy. I’m an NHS patient and it’s been fantastic and the treatments now are amazing. It was a quick turnaround from diagnosis. 

    Stay strong, stay positive and I’ll keep everything crossed for you! 

    Best Wishes 
