Confused over oncology appointment

  • 9 replies
  • 101 subscribers

Hello everyone. I’m really stressing over a letter I received this morning with an oncology appointment in two weeks. I was seen by oncology last week and told the plan was for me to have chemo (capox) after the histology post higher anterior resection for sigmoid colon tumor showed tumor was T4 with lymph node, blood vessel and nerve involvement. This makes me stage 3 which was much more advanced than first thought. I spoke to one of the specialist nurses a couple of days ago and she told me the plan was a telephone call from a nurse to talk about the chemo which would happen next week and then I assumed I would be given a date for the chemo to start. I’m really confused as to why I would receive a letter with another oncology appointment for two weeks time? I know it can’t be for chemo as it’s in outpatients. I hate getting letters on a Saturday as there is no one to ring and ask! I always think the worst too. Has anyone any experience of this and know what the appointment might be for? Thank you 

  • Before I started chemo I went for an introductory talk and look around the chemo suite with others due to start chemo was very useful and answered loads of queries.maybe your appointment is something similar although I would have thought it would have been mentioned at your last appointment


  • Thank you for replying. Hopefully it will be something similar although the appointment is with a consultant, a different consultant from the one I saw last week. I can’t help thinking something’s wrong or they want to change my treatment plan. 

  • Hi  

    They would tell you if something was concerning them , trust me they think nothing of telling you straight .  Did you sign the consent forms ? 
    Sometimes it really is just an admin error . 
    Any time my mum went for treatment she had to consent and go over the details and how they would manage it .

    Kind regards ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you. Yes, I signed the consent forms at the last appointment., I don’t think they aren’t telling me something I’m just worried that something else has come to light or that maybe they want to change the plan around chemo. Hopefully it is an admin error Fingers crossed tone1

  • Totally understandable . Sometimes the chemo suits are open on a Saturday . Might be  worthwhile trying .

    Did you get your cell type from the pathology ? It’s often the same chemo they use  even for different stages ,  some people are suitable for immunotherapy if their cell type is suitable . Outwith that not too much changes . 

     I think it’s a specialty that causes a lot of concern when something unexpected comes through . 
    Hope you get to speak to someone . Our helpline would also be happy to chat . They are still open .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • I see my team every 2 weeks while on chemo- I have my pre chemo bloods done to check I am okay to have chemo 2 days prior to the infusion- I see my Oncologist or one of their team on the same day too to discuss how I am doing/ any side effects etc- sometimes it's a phone call- but initially it was in person the first few times and then once I was in a routin sometimes a call, sometimes in person. 

  • Hey, I am in the same situation as you, stage 3 colon cancer, had surgery with a colostomy placed and it was confirmed T4 with lymph nodes involvement and vein involvement. At my first oncologist app. he went through blood test to record everything as it stood including testing for DPD levels, a CT to check the status of everything and gave me 2 options of chemo treatment (Capox and Folfox). He gave me so much info I was overwhelmed and couldn't take it all in. I then came home and did research on both treatments which helped me to understand each one better, and a week later was back with the oncologist to let me know all results and to find out which treatment I had decided on, only then could he give me a start date, which was yesterday. I went for Folfox in the end, had a port fitted and am currently connected to the pump at home, 1st cycle of 6/8/12 if I can tolerate it. It could be he wants to see you to talk through blood results and answer any other questions you have as the information at first is a lot to take in. He will also probably give you your start date and make sure all is booked in and you know where you stand. Good luck with it all and make a list of questions!

  • Thank you. I rang my CNS and she said it would just be a check in with the oncologist as I would be a week into my chemo so that was a relief! I just didn’t want any more delays in starting treatment. Thank you for replying and I hope you are getting on okay? 

  • Thank you for replying, that’s exactly what my appointment was for