Bowel cancer liver and lung mets

  • 4 replies
  • 99 subscribers

Hi I’m new my husband has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer liver mets and lung mets treatment plan is  just chemotherapy but having a Consultant review Wednesday he’s 53 ( not the consultant ) I’m a nurse so I think I know what’s ahead of us it’s only been 2 weeks since scans scopes and telling everyone I keep staying strong and one day at a time and we’re not the only ones going through this but it’s pretty hard at the moment… 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the forum . 
    knowledge in itself is sometimes hard to process . We are from a medical family and it did feel as though there was no where to hide but saying that I was also encouraged to see people using chemo in a maintenance setting . Chemo was the game changer for my mum . She had roughly two years of it initially and had a great response which opened up other avenues . She lived as a stage four patient from 2009 to 2024 ! She initially had a spread to her liver , which moved to her lungs around 2014 and so it must have remained until 2024 .

    I found the initial year the hardest as you are waiting to see the results of chemo but they are tracking the tumour markers , although not the most reliable for some . 
    You will see people in their seventh year of chemo on the boards ! And although having to learn to live with an uncertain future there were still many , many good days ahead .

    But you are only human and everyone needs support through this . Some days are just easier than others and sometimes you hit a wall and need someone understanding to chat to . That’s what we are here for .

    The treatments that have emerged in the last few years have given a lot of hope and encouragement to bowel cancer and we are hoping for more !

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • That’s a lot to take in, I also had bowel cancer with liver mets ,it then spread to my lungs and then back to my liver.  I was very very lucky in all instances that it was caught in time for surgery.  I hope the chemotherapy does what it’s supposed to for your husband and that surgery becomes an option too for husband.  Sending you prayers for the best outcomes 

  • Thank you for your lovely response that has given me some encouragement and. I’m so grateful for this forum 

  • Thank you for your reply I do appreciate it