
  • 3 replies
  • 100 subscribers

Hello all,

I know it’s a bit tmi and it has taken me about three years to finally ask the doctor for help. Definite changes in bowel habits over the last few years, constantly in the toilet with very loose bowel movements, sometimes 12 to 15 times a day. I just put it down to stress and hoped it would sort itself out. Got to the point where I am soiling myself, without any feeling of needing to go to the toilet. A small amount of blood was found in my stool test, had the finger up the bum experience and now awaiting a colonoscopy.  The more I stress about it the worse my symptoms get.   I just wondered whether anyone else has experienced similar symptoms.

sorry if this is not the right place to ask, just not sure where to turn


  • You have done exactly the right thing. You have been to gp and got on track for a colonoscopy.  

    There are several things it could be, colitis,  diverticulitis,  cancer. 

    I was in your shoes in 2023. Mine was cancer. I have had treatment and am still having treatment but if you saw me in the street you would never know.

    Just try and hold on until you have had your colonoscopy and diagnosis,  the not knowing  is one of worst bits , it sounds strange but once you know what you're dealing with it gets a bit easier. 

  • Hi there. You have 199% done the right thing and and the colonoscopy is not bad really. The prep drink isn’t the best but look at it this way it’s all a means to an end. I was diagnosed with bowel cancer last Wednesday and I’ve since had a Cat scan. Just waiting for the results now. As I’m sure you will be feeling stressed it’s how we all feel. The not knowing makes you go mad but everyone on here is supportive. Don’t look at Dr Google. Just ask on here. Wishing you all the best sweetie xxJan

  • This is perhaps the best place to ask, so don't feel awkward about that.

    The colonoscopy tends to discover the cause of the problem - whatever that might be. You often get a report on findings immediately afterwards. Others here will recommend taking up the offer of a sedative during the colonoscopy. I have had a few, initially without, but the procedure is more comfortable with. Just remember that you will not be allowed to drive home while still under the influence!

    I suffered the same as you for a year and came up with all sorts of excuses for my constant diarrhoea. Click on a contributor's name and you are likely to see a summary of their experiences. No-one knows the future, so don't worry about it; just deal with what you know because guessing is a waste of time and will affect you and those around you.

