Mum just diagnosed and it's terminal

  • 2 replies
  • 98 subscribers

My Mum is 73 and has a neurological disability (double ruptured brain annuerysm survivor) and she's in a nursing home.

After a CT scan for recent symptoms we've been given the devastating news today that mum has bowel cancer and significant spread to the liver. No colonoscopy was done or advised because of mum's current neurological symptoms. The MDT meeting was held recently and confirmed its definitely Cancer ad they agreed that chemotherapy wasn't in mum's best interests so myself and my brother have agreed with sadness the same. I'm feeling numb right now and scared.

Mum probably won't remember anything that has been said today. She will receive palliative care at her current nursing home.

They've not given us any idea of how quickly it progresses although her last abdominal ct scan just under a year ago showed nothing!

Just explained about possible bowel blockage. 

The surgeon and macmillan colecterol nurse were absolutely lovely and very respectful. We've another appointment to arrange with the surgeon in a few weeks.

Any help, advice or information from anyone in the same position would be gratefully received 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the forum . Mums are so special and your mum has already been through a lot . 
    Having the support around her is half the battle . They will keep a close eye on her toileting to make sure there is no obstruction . Did they mention stenting if required ?

    Bowel cancer can be slow growing so they are inclined to use a span of months to years if left untreated . 
    Is she comfortable just now ? 

    There is a helpline at Macmillan . 0808 808 0000 . Great for any questions you might like to ask as you can access nurses and sometimes pays to have a safe place to get all the questions answered .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi

    Thank you for your reply 

    The surgeon mentioned stenting but the tumour is quite high near her ribs so apparently is more tricky if required. 

    Mum currently is OK pain wise and appears comfortable. We met the Macmillan Colecterol Nurse today who has given us her contact details.

    Just feel a bit lost at the moment