Chemo is no go so having op but what if spread? Can they operate

  • 6 replies
  • 99 subscribers


my husbands had a bad side effect to his first Folfox causing disorientation, confusion and unable to speak.

Brain scan shows chemo caused changes and he also has a blood clot in picc line.

The oncologist is reluctant to do more chemo in case it causes brain damage so has advised togosyrsighy to op.

we have to have another CT scan to check tumour and it’s now been 9 weeks since last scan and only one chemo treatment.

What if the tumour has now spread to other organs can they still do a bowel resection when there is spread?

if no chemo and no op then what? 

  • Hi  Please try and focus on the facts not the what ifs? I know it’s hard but his medical team know what they’re doing and have experience in this kind of thing. They know how large the tumour is and will assess the risk of it spreading when they arrange his surgery.

    Bowel cancer is very slow growing and even if there was any spread then there are still non chemo treatments available. 
    Try to focus on preparing for surgery - encourage him to walk everyday and get as fit as possible and eat healthily. There’s some tips in the booklet below

    Hope you get a surgery date through soon

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Beanie2024,  Sorry to hear that you husband has such bad side effects with the chemo, I believe this does happen at times. 

    I know at times like this you mind goes into overdrive, and you ask "what if the tumour has spread", but possible the tumour has not spread, mine did not spread and that was nearly two years ago, had the op and now fine.  So try and stay as positive as possible.

    I think like Karen says, the medical team are the experts, and will assess the risks of it spreading when they arrange surgery.

    I think Karen is also right when she mentions keeping as fit as possible, and eat well if he can.

    Do please keep in touch and let us know how things progress.

    Kind Regards Mary.

  • Hi Karen

    Thank you for your response.

    The oncologist has advised he didn’t want to try other chemo in case of bad reaction so the surgery was the best option in his opinion.  
    My husband was stage 3 bowel cancer 9 weeks ago with spread to lymph nodes but not to other organs.

    Im just frightened that in the last 9 weeks he’s only had one Folfox cycle and  it may have now spread to other organs.

    Can they still do a bowel resection if there is spread?

    I’m trying to not go to the what ifs but it’s extremely difficult. My mind is spiralling and I’m finding it extremely distressing. 

    I will read the brochure thank you x

  • Hi Mary

    Thank you for your reply.

    It was good to hear your tumour hadn’t spread. I don’t know how long these tumours take to spread but we were T3 N1 M0 9 weeks ago but now we have no idea. That’s my worry it was operable then but now ?
    we have to have a CT scan which I’m very scared of the results.

    There were satelitte tumours in lymph nodes which is why the op is more than just a resection.

    If it’s now spread can they still operate?

    take care and thank you x

  • Hi  Yes they would remove the tumour and then deal with any spread x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Beanie2024.  Let me tell you I had symptoms for ages and in my heart I knew it was cancer, but just left it for months until one Sunday I had bad pain and had to go to A&E, I should have know better as was a medical secretary in Dr's for over 20 years.  Well, it was quite a slow progress as that was February, started chemo/radiotherapy in June/July and then had the op in the October, so to be honest I do not think these tumours grow very fast..concerning the lymph nodes, I am not sure whether they are removed  during surgery, or if they are treated with perhaps radiotherapy after the op, I think the best bet is to ask the Consultant he is the expert.  I know it is such a scary time for you both, but just try to take one day at a time, there are so many of us been through it, and now out the other end, so lets hope and pray this time next year your husband will also be in the same situation.  Keep us up to date with all his progress.