Utterly wretched and depressed

  • 2 replies
  • 98 subscribers

The colorectal team  consultant contacted me yesterday to tell me that they have asked for an urgent Colonoscopy as they are not in agreement  that the primary cancer is from colon 

According to my CT scan there is no stricture of the bowel and I am able to open my bowels daily with my usual use of laxatives..The consultant also said that the biopsy samples are very poor and they need to take more. 

I said I am not agreeable to another painful biopsy and they can do exploratory surgery as suggested  by MacMillian nurse on this site.

That way I'd have a GA

I am also now at 10 weeks since referral on Suspected Cancer Pathway  and almost at a 104 day breech of the directive for a Suspected Cancer Pathway  patient to receive diagnosis and treatment within a set parameter.

Little has been done to consider my mental health during this total cock- up.

With my family history a colonoscopy should havd been done intially and MRI, US and CT scan done closely after. 

Upset, angry, terrified and distressed. 

  • Oh  I’m sending you a big hug and I can totally understand why you are going through all those emotions. All you want is a definite diagnosis and a treatment plan but there seems to be a lot of debate and duplication of tests which is not acceptable. Have you raised it as a complaint with the hospitals PALS department?

    Im sorry that I don’t have any advice or answers for you but hope they are able to have some better answers for you soon

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • I need to complain to the Scottish equivalent to PALS. 

    I feel I am slipping through the net with this and my cancer will progress with little treatment.