Bowel re- section sigmoid advanced stage 3 , 12 weeks adjuvant chemotherapy, 17mm nodule in lung just removed, waiting for histology

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Hi there,

Back in March 2023 diagnosed with a tumour in colon ( thank goodness for screening) had surgery June 2023 bowel resection and some lymph nodes removed as there had been spread outside muscle wall. In an early pet scan a lung nodule shone up and has been monitored pre and post bowel surgery it did not change even after 12 week’s chemotherapy and in recent scans / monitoring . Recent times it did grow about 1.5mm . Long story short met with vascular surgeon three weeks ago and had it removed last Tuesday. The nodule was in to difficult a place to biopsy so far the advice has been that they don’t know for sure it is cancer. My mind is now gone into overdrive as if this is secondary bowel, then am really concerned as to how long it’s been there . Care has been great but sometimes I wonder whether I am getting full story on the likely outcomes. All monitoring scans don’t show any spread but am thinking if the nodule is secondary ( probably likely) or a new cancer as to what could be next . Possibly more chemo but not sure I understand what this would mean about further spread. If anyone has had a similar experience, I would really appreciate how it went and any advice.

  • Hi  

    My mum had a solitary met in her lung removed by Vats surgery in 2016 . No further issues until 2022 . No post op chemo as that’s her teams approach of only treating visible disease . Did not have further issues until 2022 . Post op chemo can vary depending on where you live and this was a long time ago . 

    Had some treatment which was good in terms of response but just too frail for more chemo . 
    Its pace of growth in her lung has been completely opposite to her liver where it was fast growing . Lung disease for her is at a snails pace . Her primary was removed in 2010 ! So one way or another she has done not to badly keeping it all under control .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hello Court 

    Thanks so much for your response, super helpful to understand the approach in your Mams situation, it is comparable in that I have a singular nodule. Fingers crossed I will not have to have any further treatment for now Thanks Hew Pew