sigmoid colon cancer

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Hi looking for some advice on very confusing appointment we had to day with our elderly dad who is 86. He was diagnosed with a benign but malignant tumour 18 months ago . Told could not operate due to his age, Was fine till 2 weeks ago and had very upset tummy.. We finally get some treatment but in Hospital starting passing Melena . Got told in Hospital he has full on cancer the hospital re refer back to consultant. We had the appointment today and the consultant couldn't believe he was still alive . We got told after dad had been living normally eating and drinking that he must have a puree diet as solid food may kill him. We then got told he had probably had liver and lymph node cancer but they were only concerned with the tumour and when it becomes blocked they can put a stent in that is if he survives the blockage and got told thats life . We are shocked that we have to wait for the tumour to become completely blocked before he can receive any treatment . We do not even know what stage dads cancer has or when the tumour will become blocked . we got told probably less then 6 months .Came away from the appointment feeling dad has no where to turn to unless he gets a blocked bowel . The consultant said he has to have not had a bowel movement for 3 days and his tummy needs to bloated but dont ring the nurses unless it is blocked as they are very busy. How are we to know if it is blocked . we got told if they put the stent now it would kill him as they may tear the bowel and also the mesh can become tangled . we are so upset and feel that no one cares. We have only just lost our mum

Any advice is very welcome x