Bubbly belly after chemo

  • 2 replies
  • 97 subscribers

Is it normal to get bubbly belly after chemo? I keep getting wind and burbing - I’m not sure if it’s still my bowel recovering from having surgery or the chemo 

I seem to get it after my main meal - I think I’m going to have to really cut down my portion sizes as it’s uncomfortable 

I’m getting paranoid it’s the cancer coming back  I’ve had 3 rounds and had my tumour removed 

any advice welcomed. 

  • Hi  I was told after surgery that my bowels would get used to a new normal. I get a lot of gurgling and wind and very odd noises - my husband thought there was a helicopter over the house last week but it was my stomach! I have no definitive answer and despite keeping a food diary I can’t pin down which foods cause the most problem. I think because an evening meal is generally the biggest meal of the day then this is when things start to move through the digestive system. I take 1 loperamide before my meal as my stools tend to be on the loose side. It’s also recommended not to drink during your meal. I’ve tried actimel drinks for breakfast and a probiotic gummy during the day but not to much effect. Fizzy drinks obviously have a gassy effect. 
    So it’s hard to tell if it’s the surgery or the chemo but hopefully things will settle down over time?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thanks Karen reassuring I’m not on my own  

    I just read your profile. Your journey fills me with hope. 

    take care