Bowel cancer and secondary liver

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  • 98 subscribers

My husband has had scans endoscopy and a liver biopsy and he’s been told the cancer started in the bowel and is now in his liver 

we are now waiting to see the consultant on 1st August the nurse who contacted us with the results said it will probably be chemo but not surgery it’s hard to take it all in 

  • Hi  

    Its so hard to comprehend at the beginning but a big welcome to the forum and hope we can support you both .

    My mum had a spread to her liver at diagnosis and I struggled with the aspect of no surgery . However chemo did a great job at stabilising the disease and actually shrank it in my mum’s situation to allow her to get to surgery . Unlike some other primary cancers , bowel cancer spread to the liver still has may treatment options and I now credit chemo having a big role to play to getting my mum where she is today . Fifteen years after diagnosis. I know not everyone has this outcome but a subgroup of patients still do well on treatment despite a difficult diagnosis.

    Did he get this diagnosis on the phone ? It’s a change since covid where the consultant used to be the first to tell you and answer all the relevant questions and explain the process of treatment going forward .

    I will link in a good booklet which you might find helpful .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000


    This gives a good overview of possible treatment pathways and approaches .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thankyou so much for replying we are going to see the consultant on the 1st August I rang the nurse as my husband was in so much pain and she asked if we wanted the results we probably should have waited as we weren’t in a good position to handle them 

    I’m so happy for your mum and I will have a look at the booklet 

  • Did he get some guidance for managing the pain ?

    Nearly everyone with a spread goes straight to chemo but it may very well be a small spread with options after chemo . 
    It’s hard to hear it like that but now you have you can equip yourself with questions . 
    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thanks yes he’s got some slow release strong painkillers he’s trying to do a few normal things