Getting diagnosed

  • 7 replies
  • 101 subscribers

Hi I have been told I have bowel cancer. My lymph nodes are swollen so need pet scan the see if that’s cancer. I don’t think it’s hit me yet. I have functional neurological disorder I don’t know if it’s that, that’s stopping it from sinking in. I just can’t wait to get the pet scan and find out either way it it is cancer of lymph nodes which I think it will be. I haven’t been told very much as they don’t want to tell me to much until they have all results just wanted to write it down as I think I need it to hit me so I don’t keep it built up. Thanks 

  • Hi Louise_gal,

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  I know how you feel, it didn't hit me that I really had had cancer until the end of my second round of chemo and then I cried constantly for three days. 

    It's great that you reached out here for support.  I made myself a little lego staircase when I was diagnosed and every time I feel overwhelmed I look at it and think 'one step at a time'.

    Good luck and I hope everything works out well for you.

    Best wishes


  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes it does come as a shock but once you have a treatment plan in place then things will honestly feel a bit better. Bowel cancer is very treatable and it’s quite common for lymph nodes to be affected. 
    Please keep posting but stay away from google - it can be scary and out of date. We’re all at different stages of treatment and recovery on here and happy to help and support you through yours. The support desk is also available every day from 8-8 if you want to chat to someone in person?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you for the reply I just don’t feel normal cause it’s not hit me. Years ago i thought i had a brain tumour when i got sent up for brain scan and I couldn’t stop crying. I haven’t cried once since my diagnosis it probably doesn’t seem real the now just got phone call to get pet scan next Tue so hopefully get more info the. X

  • Hello, I'm very sorry you find yourself here but people here are very kind and it is a great help. I also felt very out of my body and brain a lot of the time- to be honest I often still do. I find I am better when I see the clinicians and feel clearer then. Yes I think writing it down and discussing is good. Macmillan have a really helpful phone line if you want to talk- I did speak to them initially and they were ever so kind. Keep us posted- I just had my first PET and the staff were lovely and it's all okay. Take very good care of yourself x

  • Hi Louise-gal,

    I too have Functional Neurological Disorder. When it first manifested I was about to have my 7th round of chemo, needless to say my chemo ended there and then. I did see a specialist FND psychologist for a while so happy to chat about what I learnt along the way. But ultimately, whilst recognising they are separate medical conditions, I don’t differentiate between my FND and my cancer - to me they are two sides of the coin - but that might be because my FND came second, whereas it sounds like you already had FND ahead of your cancer diagnosis.

    Even with cancer and FND I live a life as fully as I am able. They do not define me. Accept where you are now but don’t let either illness define who you are and what you do! To give you some enjoyment I like my shanty and folk music and there is a father and daughter group C.A.S.K; the daughter is a FND sufferer also and sings shanty music dressed as a mermaid! to raise awareness and funds for FND charities, for which she is a youth ambassador.

    Acceptance can bring positivity.

    All the very best.


  • I’m sorry you’ve had this bad news. The wait is awful Disappointed