Bowel & Liver resection advice - raised LFTs

  • 4 replies
  • 99 subscribers

Hi, my mum has bowel cancer which has spread to her liver. She underwent a bowel and liver resection around 4 weeks ago. Hospital advised surgery had gone well and both bowel tumour and liver lesion were removed. We weren't told size of lesion or how much of the liver was removed. 
The first two weeks of recovery seemed ok (mum was in hospital around 10 days) and it was only the tiredness and sometimes pain that my mum commented on (I understand these are to be expected). 

However last week I ended up calling an ambulance as my mum had been experiencing indigestion type pain on and off, this was accompanied by fever and an episode of vomiting. The hospital done full bloods, chest x ray, urine & stool samples and said everything had came back ok apart from her liver function levels (these have been consistently raised since surgery but we’ve been told this is to be expected and could be due to liver regenerating). 
They were happy to let her go home but said to keep an eye on her symptoms and she has to go for more bloods next week to check LFTs.

Since this she has been itching excessively, morning to night. Her stoma output was light coloured a few days ago and the urine sample she done at hospital was amber coloured. I’ve googled these symptoms (I know I shouldn’t) but they all seem liver or bile duct related.

when we went to a&e they asked if the bile duct was removed as it could be related; but we don’t know this info as when we’ve asked at the hospital no one could tell us.

when I called the hospital again they just said if she is in pain or becomes jaundiced to go back to hospital but still didn’t seem too concerned and suggested it could be stoma/diet related.

Has anyone had these kinds of symptoms after a liver resection and raised liver function bloods? We do have an appointment this week and have been keeping a food diary and writing any symptoms down but just wanted to see if this is common? 

Thank you x

  • Hi  

    Did you get a chance to phone the ward or liver unit she was in .? They should have an on call surgeon and it is so specialist it would be good to speak to them . 
    I have never heard of the itching . 
    But my mum’s liver enzymes were raised for a while . One never went back down .

    It might be worthwhile trying .

    Obviously if you’re concerned route back through the nhs system but it might also be worthwhile phoning the hospital directly . I would also email the surgeons secretary .

    Our helpline could speak to the Macmillan nurses too .

    0808 808 0000

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thanks for your reply  

    I called the liver unit last week and  spoke to the CNS there who didn’t seem too concerned, they asked me to get my mum to do a Covid test (this was when I mentioned the temperature). My concern is over the liver bloods being raised but they still didn’t seem too concerned, and suggested my mums symptoms could be stoma related but the stoma nurse has since been out and said she everything looks fine from that side.

    i had a look at the specific bloods that were raised and some of them were way above the normal level. Do you know which ones stayed raised for your mum? 
    it’s just worrying as my mum did itch a little before the surgery but now it’s worsened and is driving her mad, and everytime I look it up I wish I hadn’t. 

    Your mum's story is really inspiring and gives us hope x

  • Hi  

    My mum had 73% of her liver removed so I did expect her liver to struggle a bit given the surgical assault . I don’t remember specifically. But I do remember it taking a few months for things to settle and being very anxious for her during that time then as the liver regenerated I felt on stronger ground .

    We did pop her into a local hospital as she was struggling one night and they could see her liver in the process of regenerating but she thought she was having a heart attack. It was a very odd shape !

    Did they recommend anything for her to take to curb the itching .

    I take it you are worried about it being liver failure . Although m the enzymes were raised I guess I felt they would let mum know if it had breached what they expected to find . Sometimes I would ask if this was to be expected and it gave me an indication if it was still on the right path .

    But no harm in asking how to manage the itching or what is contributing to it and did they think it was a complication .

    If in doubt act . I know just how hard it is when you are left trying to manage a situation and you are concerned at home away from a clinical situation .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi  

    We have chatted before on the stoma group. I haven’t had a liver resection but did have my gallbladder removed last year, and prior to that I had hugely elevated liver enzyme levels. These were caused by a gallstone locking my bile duct.

    My bilirubin level was high, and this can cause intense itching. I was also jaundiced, and a result of that was clay coloured poo (I have a colostomy) and very orange urine, along with nausea and vomiting. 

    My other liver enzymes were all over the place and very abnormal. Doctors were not unduly concerned at the time, and my results have gone back to normal now. Just adding this reply in case any of it might help and I can tell you my results numbers if you need them in case your mum’s issues are related to an issue with the bile duct rather than the liver.

    Sarah xx

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