Folfox chemo side effects

  • 4 replies
  • 101 subscribers

My husband is starting Folfox next week and reading the list of side effects is terifying.

Has anybody had this treatment? How were you on it?

It mentions life threatening allergic reaction, heart attack, blood clots, throat spasm and a whole load of other effects.

I know they have to tell you but these seem extreme.

  • Hi  The ‘ox’ part of folfox is oxaliplatin and that can be the one with a lot of side effects. As you say though they have to warn you about everything so it can make scary reading but some of the side effects are more common than others and can be planned for. 

    The oxaliplatin can cause a reaction to cold air and make the face twitch or throat spasm so it’s a good idea to have a warm drink to hand after finishing the iv. When leaving the unit wear gloves and cover the mouth and face with a scarf. Avoid cold drinks at home and touching anything cold. I drank blackcurrant juice with a splash of hot water to take the edge off and bought some gloves with little grippy bits on the fingers for getting things out of the fridge.

    Theres lots of good tips on the post below


    You’ll also be given a 24 hour emergency/helpline number which you can ring if you’re ever worried? People can have varying reactions to chemo but there are lots of pills and potions for the side effects and if one antisickness doesn’t work, for example, then you often find that a different one will?

    Try not to worry too much about the side effects beforehand and see how it goes

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • My dad has had 4 cycles of this. 
    He experienced nausea, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, sore mouth mid cycle. 
    fatigue which got worse each cycle. 
    Also neuropathy in fingers and feet which has now gone but for some people it stays permanent. Tingly lips and painful jaw. 
    It was terrifying when we were told it can cause death, sepsis, heart failure etc but they have to tell you even if its one in a million. 
    However everyone reacts different to chemotherapy so he may or may not get any of these things x

  • Hi, my husband has just finished 12 sessions, on the whole he's been OK, slight sensation with cold for a few days after the treatment, his taste was a bit odd but this passed too, the fatigue was a cumulative effect as he took longer to "bounce" back but he did!, the worst part has been the neuropathy, he has been having acupuncture to help this but he has less feeling in his hands.

    All drugs come with possible side effects, but the they are often rare, my husbands oncology team had weekly calls to discuss how he was feeling and adjusted the dose to help with the side effects.

    Wishing you and your husband the best of luck with the treatment

    Nancy x

  • Hi Beanie2024

    I had 12 cycles of folfox from January to July 2022. Everyone reacts to chemo differently and you would be extremely unlucky to suffer all the side-effects.

    Due to peripheral neuropathy my dose of oxaliplatin was reduced after cycle 5 and stopped after cycle 9. It is important to let your chemo team know as soon as you are suffering any uncomfortable side- effects.

    Cold sensitivity diminishedfour says into each cycle and wS not really a problem for me. I did experience a temporary thinning of my hair, a couple of mouth ulcers, and damage to my finger nails.

    I did not lose my appetite or sense of taste and rarely felt nauseus.

    The worst effect was cummulative fatigue which progressively worsened each cycle. That said once chemo finished my energy levels rapidly increased over the following six weeks.

    I do, two years on, have lingering peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet, which might be permanent. It does not materially affect my quality of life though.

    I’ll not sugar coat it. Chemo (folfox) is a challenge, but is doable and your chemo/onco team is there to support you.

    Being adaptable and focusing on incremental milestones helpped me.