A bit scared

  • 6 replies
  • 99 subscribers


I had my cat scan last Thursday

I have my colonoscopy and gastroscopy at 6:30pm today. 

Up to now I’ve handled the wait quite well, despite the pain and nausea over the past couple of weeks whilst waiting for appointments
I’ve managed to act quite normally and not give any indication to family or friends of what’s going on ( except my partner) as I don’t worry them unnecessarily until I know anything. 
Now, today….my head is in a total spin. 
For the first time I’m scared.

Please can someone tell me: do you find out the results immediately? 
Many thanks

Karen x

  • Hi  I could see on the screen during the colonoscopy that something was not right - I think my exact sedated words were ‘ooh that doesn’t look very good’. Afterwards they took me into a room with my hubby and said they were 99% sure it was a cancerous tumour and explained what samples they’d taken and what would happen next. The biopsy results obviously confirmed it 100% but they do this day in day out so know what’s they’re looking at.

    It’s natural to be scared but you need to know for certain what you’re dealing with then you can decide your next steps from there

    Sending a big hug and please let us know how you get on?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi KarenMB,

    I was told during my colonoscopy and saw the cancer, as they tattoo it! Like Karen says the biopsy will give them a definitive diagnosis but they know what they are looking.

    Hope all goes well and it is good new.


  • Thank you so much for this Maninbath x

  • Hi Karen. They have discovered my lifelong constipation is due to a longer than usual bowel. The blood and fit test score of 144 likely from haemorrhoids. They removed 2 polyps for biopsy but he’s not concerned as no cancer visible. CAT scan results weren’t available.I need more tests to find out what the lump and pain are lower right abdomen which has flared up a treat overnight. Could be from the hysterectomy last August. 
    Thank you so much for all your information .
    sending love to all of you here on this forum. You’re the most amazing and caring people. Xxxx

  • Oh that is good news  and thanks for the update - it really helps others going through the same tests. Hope the lump and pain are quickly sorted and you can have a nice treat today to celebrate 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm