Bowel cancer?

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Hi, new to the forum i am currently awaiting a colonoscopy i’ve struggled for quite a while with bowel movement i’ve always put that to having a caesarean section with my second child some 19yrs ago along with the doctor saying i have a collapsed wall again some time ago which makes it hard for me to go anyway. But more recently probably over a matter of months i have struggled more and had bloating never really feel hungry has such but eat anyway not lost any weight gained more than anything.

My partner woke up 8wks ago with abdominal cramps and turned out to be stage 3 liver cancer (cancer of the bile ducts) and has just had a liver resection 3wks ago 73% of his liver removed a whopping 7kg tumour he’s doing ok with all this going on i didn’t really bother about myself my smear came back hpv so started worrying my mum had a hysterectomy for cervical cancer in her late thirties along with a tumour in her throat and breast cancer detected by mammogram (flat lump) she still fine and nearly 70 .
So far I’ve had a ultrasound pelvis and abdomen that just showed a 5mm fibroid nothing they are concerned about in regards to my bowels and symptoms I’ve had lots of blood tests all fine including a test for bowel cancer but my fit tests came back positive twice i did have some fresh blood when struggling at times but also felt a bump on wiping so thought haemorrhoid just never bothered about it and my fit test kind of got forgotten with all I have going on but when I went to the surgery today to sort the nurse did a rectal examination and couldn’t see/feel any signs of haemorrhoids so referral done for colonoscopy i have noticed myself that the bump doesn’t seem to be there now but who knows what the results will be i’m kinda expecting the worse with family history tbh but could also be something and nothing i have also been diagnosed with ibs in the past and I guess my diet hasn’t been the best over the past few years trying not to worry have enough going on at the moment with my partner so fingers crossed for a good outcome .

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes it could be something and nothing and stress quite often has an effect on the digestive system but the main thing is to get thoroughly checked out.

    Only 1 in 10 colonoscopies results in a cancer diagnosis and there are a few things that can cause similar symptoms such as ibs, colitis, diverticulitis etc. 

    Hopefully you’ll get an appointment through soon and please let us know how you get on?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm