Recently diagnosed

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Hi, I've recently undergone a right hemicolectomy and following removal of the tumour told that i have a T3 with vascular invasion, stage II and will require adjuvant chemotherapy. I am recovering well from surgery and awaiting an appointment with the oncologist to discuss the treatment plan. Luckily there has been no lymph node involvement which I believe could be a positive but I am still fearful for the future and feel really down. I feel like my life has been put on hold and at times struggle to see positives moving forward. I'm sorry for posting but just feel quite isolated and alone at the moment. I guess I'm still in a state of shock, everything has happened so quickly from having the colonoscopy to surgery and at times its tough to process. I have so many fears, will I get to see my children grow up, will the cancer come back or spread, will I ever be able to work again, how will chemo impact on me short and long term. I'm trying to remain positive but at times its tough and would like to hear other people's experiences of dealing and coping with diagnosis and seek advice on strategies coping with a cancer diagnosis.

  • Hi Carlos,

    I'm sorry for your diagnosis. It's certainly a shock to find yourself in this position. We've all been in a similar position.  The questions and worries and doubts can quickly overwhelm you. 

    Know that you are not alone, statistics are in your favor. Your sadness is totally normal. I find focusing on the people and things I love helped to distract me from the negatives. But there are still periods where it bubbles to the surface. I try to be gentle with myself when this happens and accept that it's a Nirmal part of the process. Hopefully you can find a balance point that works for you. Good luck and hugs.

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board from me. Yes it is a shock and sometimes the reality only hits you once the treatment stops? It does feel like the cancer takes over your life and everything seems to revolve around tablets and hospital visits so I shall share my mantra with you - ‘This too shall pass.’ If you click on my profile then you’ll see that I had a couple of set backs after surgery and I began to wonder if I’d ever get my life back and feel like ‘me’ again but you do - it takes time - but it will happen.

    Please give the support desk a ring on the number below. You can have a good chat with them and they can also refer you for sone free counselling sessions with bupa if you think that might help?

    I’ve also attached a link to a paper that a lot of people have found helpful. It talks about recovery from cancer being in stages so some bits might help now and you might want to re-read it as time goes on

    We’re all at different stages of treatment and recovery on here so please don’t feel alone - keep reading and posting and we’ll help you through this? There’s also lots of posts on this board from people feeling exactly like you do and sone great advice from Mike the Highlander

     Life after cancer forum 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hello Carlos80,

    "Be positive" is a term widely used around cancer patients, but I always found it difficult to understand what it really means. "Be active" is a better term from my experience. I was and remain convinced that my mind was kept occupied through the waking hours. The mantra was "if you feel alright then you are alright" and what more could anyone want?

    Worrying about what the future may or may not bring is utterly pointless. No-one on Earth knows. A friend of mine was stung by a hornet and died quickly afterwards. She didn't know that was going to happen and never worried that it might. Another friend of mine dropped dead whilst on holiday abroad - a big man and a keen rugby player. Neither of those two had cancer nor any history to suggest what was around the corner.

    Sure, that first diagnosis is a shock and we all probably remember it well. Friends seemed scared to broach the subject with me so I took it to them, which made a difference. Bowel cancer seems to be more treatable these days than it was just a few years ago and the medical people told me that it is mainly slow to develop. Early detection is key and it sounds as if you have had rapid treatment, which is pretty good. If you click on the names of contributors to these pages you will often find an account of their experiences in being treated for bowel cancer and what the outcome was. They are still contributing!



  • Hi everyone,

    Thanks for the advice and positive messages received which I have found helpful in my journey. Things have progressed since I last posted, I am due to commence chemo soon and doing all I can to prepare myself for it e.g.,exercise, eating well, trying to think positively etc. I still have them days of negative thoughts and fears of cancer recurring and get down at the thought of not being able to see my daughter grow up, following chemo will I be able to return to my former physical self and get bk to work at the same level, and will I ever meet someone who will accept my diagnosis....sorry for waffling on...anyway I have recently took the plunge and accessed a local cancer support group and shortly plan to attend a range of groups on offer to help manage my anxieties and come to terms with having a cancer diagnosis. This has come as a big shock to me, 3 months ago I was working full time with the thought of colon cancer not crossing my mind yet in that time I have had a good portion of my bowel removed and given the dreaded news of stage 2 cancer and due to commence chemotherapy soon.

  • Hi  and well done you for joining the group. I’m sure you’ll realise that you’re not alone and your feelings are completely normal. There’s no reason that you can’t return to a ‘normal’ life once your treatments finished but be kind to yourself and speak to the support desk about some counselling if you think it would help?

    Bowel cancer is very treatable so please don’t put your life on hold worrying about something that may well never happen. As Court likes to say ‘keep your head where your feet are’ ie. You are now cancer free so hold that thought and dont focus on the negative what’s ifs

    Hope the chemo goes well

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm