Rectal tumour

  • 18 replies
  • 104 subscribers

Waiting full results but it looks like I have a rectal tumour.Just wondering what initial treatment anyone has experience of please.

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Once all your scan results are back then your consultant will meet with the other specialist teams involved and decide on a treatment plan for you.

    Often with rectal tumours there is a 5 week course of chemoradiotherapy (mon-fri radiotherapy with a mild chemo tablet taken to enhance the effect) then a 6-8 week break while the radiotherapy finishes working. Depending on the results of your scan you may then have some full chemo or go straight to surgery. I’ve attached a link to a booklet that I was given at my first meeting which is pretty helpful

    If you click on my name then you can see my treatment diary although treatment has evolved since then and ‘post op chemo’ is now given before surgery and often only 4 cycles.

    The treatment can be tough but it’s doable - break it into stages and focus on each step at a time. Lots of advice and experience on here so please post if you’ve any questions/worries 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • With me they considered the potential depth into the wall.  I had a pre op to review if they 'scrap ot off'.   That was a 30min procedure under general.

    They decided they couldn't so it was big op to chop it all out. I has no chemo or radio before.  Slow but good recovery.  Once it was analysised under the lab it was decided to do 4 rounds follow up chemo just to be sure, I was given all the stats for no chemo or chemo, plus a choice of 3 months tougher chemo or 6 months just tablets.  I went 3 months.  Finished Tuesday last week.  First diagnosed mid November.  Plan to return to full time work September (I work in education), but been part time pretty much throughout chemo. Although some days were a right off!!  

    It is a journey, and you kind have to accept you are on it.  Plans and appointments will be quick and I cannot praise my nhs care enough.  I fiund preparing with core muscle exercises, pilates etc and after in recovery helped a lot (I was given basics by hospital to do before and after)  I followed the Sarah russel programme online also.

  • Thank you. I am dreading finding out what stage it is.

  • Could you tell me where to find out about the sarah Russel program please

  • I bought her book and she has videos on her website at £5. You keep that video and csn use it again and again.  I found the first 3 video were perfect.

  • And the pay for videos

    If yiu already do pilates they are fairly basic, but if not then easy to follow and gentle for after surgery.  I started a week 4 after surgery, but only did 15mins at a time!!  

    I think her book is good for anyone with any major recovery.

  • Hi Gweneira, try not to over think. I waited 3 weeks after I was told I had an 8 cm rectum tumour at my colonoscopy appointment. The person carrying out the examination got the size of my tumour wrong and after the CT and MRI it was shown to be 4.5 cm it would have been much more difficult to manage my feelings and emotions if I hadn't have pulled myself together and told myself not to worry and wait for the final diagnosis. It helped me massively. My journey was and still is unknown. I have been offered 4 X cycle of CAPOX 8 -  week break - 6 weeks of chemo radiotherapy - 8 weeks break Then a rectum removal operation. Its a journey I am going to travel with an open mind as to what the journey will bring. Its so important we don't put ourselves under to much pressure. Staying focused and positive will get you through each day no matter what the future holds. Wellbeing has proven to help with our immune system and overall wellbeing to good health. I hope your diagnosis appointment goes well and you are able to prepare yourself with the armour that you need to protect yourself and your mental health. I am 5 days into my CAPOX chemotherapy and feeling fine. I wish you well and sending you well wishes for your journey X 

    • Thank you for your kind words.Hope you continue on your good path too