Stoma op any advice?

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  • 98 subscribers

My husband met the surgeon today and as he has a 5cm sygmoid stage 3 cancer he needs to have an stoma fitted next Friday then chemo for 3-6 months then the bowel resection after that.

He’s having an ileotomy does anyone know how long recover is from that?

All the information is overwhelming and it seems such a long trek ahead.

How do you get through it?

  • Hi  You get through it one stage at a time so focus on the stoma op first and then, when he’s recovered from that, focus on the chemo.

    I had my Ileostomy during the surgery to remove the tumour so can’t really comment on how long recovery would be for just the stoma part? There’s lots of support and advice on the stoma board though 

     Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma support 

    The bowel doesn’t like being manhandled so may take a few days for the stoma to start working but the stoma nurses will be on hand to help him and show him how to change his bag. 

    Yes the next year will be trying but we’re here to help and support you both through it so please keep posting and ask anything you like - there is nothing too daft or embarrassing on here

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm