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  • 99 subscribers

I’ve got my surgery in a weeks time so would welcome advice as to what to take with me when I’m in hospital. To say I’m scared would be an understatement but I’m trying to stay positive and focused on being organised. Thanks everyone 

  • Hi  There’s some great information in the booklet below

    I think a extra long charging cable is a favourite. Your bowels will be a bit erratic afterwards so I had a grab bag with spare underwear, pads, wipes and soothing cream ready to go. 
    It’s natural to be scared but I found everyone involved to be very professional and reassuring. Please post if you’ve any particular concerns and we’ll try and reassure you

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hello Beverley39,

    It would be odd if you weren't scared. However, I simply did as I was told, for once in my life, and took it for granted that everything would be fine. It was. When a delighted surgical team told me later that all was well and there was no spread I didn't really react because I knew that these dear people knew their business. It is only after a while that the reality sinks in.

    You might take some mints with you to refresh your mouth when necessary and some fruit pastilles if you don't feel like eating early on. 

    It makes a change lying there doing nothing and watching others at work. Very impressive. 



  • Hi Karen

    many thanks for the link and other suggestions all very welcome and helpful. I know I’ll be in good hands I think it’s the lack of control that’s the worst. Once again many thanks. 

  • Hi Dulac

    many thanks for your reassurance and suggestion I appreciate it. I know deep down that I will be in very good hands it’s just fear of the unknown isn’t it? I’ll take your advice and do as I’m told for once. Hope your keeping well. 

    Take care