Diet advice

  • 3 replies
  • 99 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I be been diagnosed with rectal cancer last week. Feel in complete shock, currently waiting for results of scans to decide best course of treatment . I feel in complete limbo, just wondering what sort of diet I should be eating? High or low fibre? I tend to find as soon as I eat I need to go to the bathroom. 

Any advice greatly appreciated 


  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes the waiting for scan results and a treatment plan feels very much in limbo time but once you have a plan in place then things will honestly feel a bit better. 

    It’s often recommended to follow a low fibre diet at various stages throughout your treatment - it’s not particularly healthy but is gentle on the bowel and less aggravating on the tumour. I’ve attached a couple of links below. Have you been allocated a colorectal support nurse yet? You could ring them for advice or the support desk on the number below for help too?

     Low Residue Diet

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you For the information, I ll read through it x 

  • Hi @sharptoothmints,

    After two recurrences in the lungs I have drastically changed my diet with the aim of starving the cancer cells (as fast-divided cells they need more nutrients than normal cells) and reduce inflammation (which also fuels the cancer). This means a low glycaemic diet (no sugar, pasta, potatoes, white bread etc.), no red meat, reduced dairy, and plenty of fish, grain and veggies. I also take supplements known to have anti-cancer properties: turmeric, berberine, low-dose aspirin. Any question, message me Slight smile
