A warm hello ♡

  • 2 replies
  • 99 subscribers

I'm posting on behalf of my dad who's not the greatest with technology and after browsing the forums as a non-member for a couple of weeks for answers, I wanted to properly say hello.

Since Christmas, my dad has experienced cramping which led to several GP appointments, and a colonoscopy, shortly after confirming a diagnosis of Stage 4 colorectal cancer with mets to the liver and lymph nodes (distal). We've been told that the MDT team have discussed and confirmed that my dad's cancer is inoperable and incurable - this has been devastating - life doesn't seem real anymore.

I look on the forums searching for positive stories of remission/NED from stage 4. As a family, we discuss/hope for a miracle whereby the palliative chemo he'll start this Thursday will somehow reduce the cancer to the point it's operable... 

As he starts palliative chemo on Thursday (CAPOX), I'm asking this lovely community for any suggestions and tips you have to prepare him or help with side effects.

Also, since the colonoscopy, both my parents have come out with a horrendous rash. Has anyone had any experience with intense itching?

Thanks so much - I look forward to connecting with people on this new journey. 

  •  https://community.macmillan.org.uk/cancer_types/bowel-colon-rectum-cancer-forum/f/diagnosis/263084/chemo-top-tips-updated

    Welcome  and a very warm welcome back to you . So glad you decided to join in the discussion .

    I have linked in a good thread on preparing for chemo and some pointers at the top of my reply .

    Certainly everyone is an individual but I find it helpful to be familiar with side effects and how others handle them . Helps get to a solution quicker. Keep talking to his team and don’t sit on side effects as they have lots of experience.

    It certainly is not without hope . Bowel cancer is quite fortunate compared to some other primaries in that it has lots of different options .

    Certainly the initial period where you are waiting to see the response is a hard time but after that it can get easier .

    My mum had roughly two intense years of treatment as they stabilised her disease but after that she had long periods of treatment and lots of good times . She has had four recurrences but with the robust scanning they were able to stay ahead of it .

    She still has disease 15 years later but it’s slow growing now unlike the very start where it was very fast . It does take a while to get a fuller picture on how their disease behaves . 
    You are doing a great job getting informed .

    Keeping active as always been a priority and staying connected to life .

    Ask anything you like . Send your dad our very best and hope chemo is kind and starts stabilising and shrinking the cancer right away .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • The day before I ended up in hospital I had an all over rash which was extremely itchy and unpleasant,  but calmed by antihistamines. I think it was my body going into shock because I had a total bowel blockage... I have stage 4 (spread to liver) but I had the bowel op as an emergency surgery and now waiting for a liver op. 

    The side effects of capox vary a lot from person to person but most common is peripheral neuropathy which can vary in extent, and decreases the further away you get from the oxaliplatin infusion.  Keeping warm is the best thing- a scarf, gloves, woolly socks, hot water bottle and hot drinks help a lot. You can also get quite severe constipation in the first few days, so a laxative can be helpful to- discuss with your chemo doc.

    I wish you and your family all the best on this horrible journey.