Should lung mets prevent liver ablation??

  • 4 replies
  • 99 subscribers

Hi it's Nettie123

Came off chemo, in January for Feb liver ablation.

Back on chemo from tomorrow as one liver met has reappeared. May also have Cetuximab (subject to RAS and BRAF results.

I've been told that without chemo I would only have 3 to 6 months left to live. Also been told that, because the low volume possible mets in right lung have increased in size a little, the liver professor may not agree to ablation after chemo - unless the mets/nodules have gone. The alternative is apparently long term chemo.

This seems strange as we do not even know if the lung nodules/mets are cancerous as not tested. 

Overall the care I've had has been brilliant, but just wondering if I should ask if a PET scan would be possible??

  • Hi  

    Reading your post I was thinking as I read have you had a PET scan . Having sat through a lung surgery appointment the thoracic surgeon was quite specific that only one of my mum’s had uptake . He could not say for certain about the rest which actually disappeared . 

    My mum recently stopped chemo as her lung mets of 2mm and 3 mm grew to 4mm . According to her lung surgeon they could not verify what they are at that size but the oncologist insisted it appears to be cancer due to the doubling of values . I did not get into it any further as I recognised she was at her capacity for treatment and it was time to stop anyway but I did walk out the door thinking if she was younger or fitter I would have been asking for a pet scan when it got to a size of it being possible to get uptake .

    Remember it’s also fine to consult with another liver surgeon for a second opinion .

    You might also like to take a look at the Nice guidelines for liver surgery .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court

    Thanks for your answer. Yes, I think I'm going to ask for a PET Scan. I need to know what is there!

    I'll also look up the Nice guidelines for liver Surgery. That's a cool idea.

    Best wishes

    Nettie Slight smile

  • Hi Nettie123 - I'm having chemo at the moment to hopefully shrink my liver mets for ablation and I've been told I'd have a PET scan so I think yes that is what you need. Thinking of you x

  • Hi KimLondon  Thanks for your reply. Yes, it seems sensible to have a PET scan. I'm going to push for one!

    Hope your chemo goes well. 

    Nettie123 x