New rectal cancer diagnosis

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My husband had his first appointment today with the colorectal team. It was nice to have some concrete information as my anxiety levels have been unbearable for the the 2 1/2 weeks since they discovered the tumour on his colonoscopy.

Diagnosis is T3b, N2a, V1, CRM+, M0 low rectal tumour.

So not great but to be honest be are both very relieved that there are currently no detectable distal metastases.

We are heading for 6 months of total neo-adjuvant therapy (radio and chemo) as my husband is only 40 and generally fit and healthy so hopefully will be able to cope with the kitchen sink been thrown at his tumour! Really hoping to avoid pelvic exenteration which will be the outcome if we can’t shrink the tumour away from the prostate… 

Anyone else had experience with a rectal tumour that is ‘flirting’ with the prostate as the surgeon put it??

And also wondering about the V1 part of the diagnosis as that wasn’t something I’d come across before. I mean if the tumour is in the blood vessels and lymph nodes I’m not sure I understand how there isn’t also metastasis… Anyone else experienced that diagnosis?

Any thoughts or advice for the next meeting in a couple of weeks with the oncologist? There was mention of the Artemis clinical trial with AN0025 added on top of the standard care as a possible option so need to look into that some more.

Lots of information to process but at least a plan is starting to come together…

  • Hi  Well it sounds like they’ve got a very robust treatment plan in place for your hubby. It looks like the Artemis trial is quite new and I notice that Leeds Teaching hospital has just randomised its first patient into phase 2. 

    I have often wondered about the affected lymph nodes but no spread bit so you could maybe ask in the Ask a Nurse section?

     Ask a Nurse 

    Hopefully someone may be along with some experience regarding the prostate issue?

    Take care

    Karen x

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