Post treatment update

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  • 98 subscribers

Hi All

i just wanted to post to give some hope to people starting their journey. I know not everyone has a good outcome and ours could change at any time but for now it is positive.

My husband Daniel was diagnosed in May 2022 with bowel cancer in caecum and one liver met. Two sessions of Capox did not agree with him so spent four weeks in hospital with chemo related colitis. However that chemo alone had shrunk both tumours so put forward for a joint resection of bowel and liver in November 2022. Clear scans at this point.

Six weeks later in December 2022 Folfox was given initially at a lower dose of 50% eventually increasing to 100% over; nine sessions. He tolerated this much better.

He has been checked every three months since May 2023 and had another clear scan today so moving on to six monthly intervals.

The whole experience was extremely difficult for him but he got through. We have created many memories since last May and will continue to do so while we can.

To all those still on their journey I wish you all the best. 


  • Fantastic news  . Not easy at all but he has endured a lot so well .

    It’s such a relief to start pushing the scanning out. Progress indeed .

    He will be up to yearly before you know it .

    Take care ,


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