Awaiting MDT after treatment and scans

  • 6 replies
  • 110 subscribers


  1. My partner has had his post treatment scans (chemoradiation) for rectal cancer T2N0/1. They have rung today to say prior to MDT he needs a colonoscopy in the area of the tumour which is low down in the rectum. This wasn't something we where told about after treatment ended. The colorectal nurse said she can see from the notes of scans there has been a good response to treatment. She wouldn't really commit to explaining why the extra colonoscopy was required prior to MDT and next steps. Would anyone have any idea why this would be. Thank you

    It is hard to second guess the medics but if they are saying he has a good response to treatment I wonder if they want to see just how good it is for themselves . Gives them more information for planning the correct pathway for him.

    However it sounds positive . They don’t do false positives in cancer care . 
    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you for your reply she did say they needed pictures for the area that had been treated. We try to stay positive but the doubt lurks at the back of my mind.

  • Hi  I was told I’d had a good response after my chemoradiotherapy (75% reduction) but I remember the surgeon saying something about not being able to tell what was left of the tumour and what was inflammation from the radiotherapy so it may be that they want to check this out before surgery? The operation that he has will depend on how low it is in the rectum so that maybe another reason for having a look too?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • I was told that it looked like I'd had a really good response to treatment (chemo radiotherapy and then chemo).   I had CT and MRI's at the end of chemo,  but after that, got sent for a camera up the business end.   They were looking for active signs of cancer, belt and braces approach.    It appears that this is a common approach and it makes sense to do it before MDT plan next steps.     
    Hope it all goes well for your partner and that it is a positive response.  I was T3 and have had a total clinical response to date - however -  things might change at any point.    I'm staying positive though!  I'm guessing T2 has an even better chance. 
    Thinking of you


  • Thank you for responding it is helpful to read other peoples thoughts and experiences 

  • Thanks for your response i think because it wasn't mentioned this could happen it just caused us with some confusion and worry. You did make me laugh with the term up the buisness end though. Good luck going forward