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Waiting for colonoscopy appointment in a few weeks time . I had very few symptoms initially, apart from noticing a small occasional amount  of blood on stool . (Routine screening test last year was negative) . Looking back, I also had occasional pain down right side but had assumed this was muscular. Apart from that , I feel totally fit and healthy. Following a visit to my GP, I carried out a fit test which came back positive (170 score) . Blood tests are ok apart from white bloods which are low . Needless to say, I am out of my mind with worry . Pains in abdomen have gone into overdrive and I am imagining the worst scenario outcome.  Any advice would be much appreciated. 

  • Hello Maison47,

    Try not to worry about matters over which you have no control and steer well clear of general searches on the Internet in the belief that you will be able to self-diagnose. A number of health issues can cause the symptoms you describe and - if bowel-related - a colonoscopy is likely to reveal what the cause might be. It is a strange experience and you should follow the requirements for drinking the laxative solution (which you might find is the worst part of the process). Relaxing sedatives are offered prior to the colonoscopy and many of us here accept them. Bear in mind that you will not be allowed to drive if you have the IV sedative until its effects have worn off, which can take some hours, so consider your travel arrangements beforehand. It is quite probable that the initial results will be discussed with you immediately afterwards with one of the nursing team. Keep us posted on the outcome and let us hope that your concerns will soon be resolved.


  • Hi Maison47

    I, and I'm sure everyone else here, went through all those same emotions. Hoped for the best, but feared the worst.

    My only symptom was fatigue and (occasional) blood in stools. I'd ignored it for months; my mother and brother had both in recent years had colonoscopies and had had nothing more 'serious' than polyps; I saw no reason why I should buck the trend.

    Fast forward to late February and I was still tired, still seeing blood in my stools. I was starting to worry myself sick, so took myself off to the doctor. Mid March, I had the colonoscopy, and didn't get the result I was expecting / looking for. But, at least I knew what my diagnosis is, if not my prognosis.  The colonoscopy wasn't particularly pleasant, but nowhere near as awful as I'd been led to believe could be.  It was the first step in getting to grips with the problem and moving forward in whatever direction is needed. 

    Whatever the diagnosis and ultimate prognosis, I know darn well that you'll feel better than you do at the moment. The period that you're in at the moment is some sort of unholy purgatory, but have faith in the medical professionals who'll be looking after you, and, above all, yourself. One thing all this awfulness has taught me is that we're stronger than we think.

  • Thanks   for your helpful response .  I agree it’s the unknown and “what ifs” that are the hardest to deal with . Definitely trying to focus on the positives going forward .

  • Hi . Yes must admit I am guilty to over analysing everything via Google. A couple of weeks to wait currently feels like a lifetime but hopefully will have some answers by the end of the month.