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Hello, I hope this week is being kind to everyone. 

Prior to being diagnosed I had a trip to Europe booked- friend getting married.

This trip is in June. My team have kindly moved chemo so I can go- I had raised this after my surgery- I felt no point in raising it prior to surgery as one thing at a time.

This means a 3 week break in chemo, usually I am having it every 2 weeks.

In the meantime my post surgery scan has shown that in the break my liver mets which had shrunk have effectively gone back to where they were prior to my first cycles of chemo and I have a new one and some swollen nodes for watching.

I have now got myself in a bit of a state about having chemo after 3 weeks instead of the usual 2- though the team seem fine with it!

What do people think? Thank you so much

  •   I know it’s a worry but I think you’ll have to trust your team on this one. It’s quite usual to miss a week of chemo - I had to miss one due to low white cell count - then just carry on as usual afterwards? The extra week off will give you chance to recharge your batteries both mentally and physically and celebrate your friends special day.

    Go for it and have a fabulous time x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi  

    How long we’re you off chemo for surgery ?

    I would fully anticipate they would grow again if not on chemo . I can only speak from our experience but I always felt mum was invigorated after an additional week . In fact the second year we pushed it out one week just to let her draw strength .

    Mum would have regrowth when not actively treating it but it did shrink back down for her . 
    How is your CEA behaving ?

    The disease can take a while to fully present itself . Are they looking at a surgical review ? 
    take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court, Thank you for your lovey reply as always. I had 12- 13 weeks off chemo in total. I will have had 3 of the new remine (folfoxiri) when I have the week.. CEA came down to 2.8 after surgery- back up to 11 something last time it was done. The plan is back on chemo now (I am in cycle 2), hopefully shrink things and then yes MDT review and I think the liver MDT - I think being Braf perhaps ablation as less time off for surgery- but I would like to talk about it all thoroughly- I think the plan is to scan again after a few cycles. Obviously so grateful to have had the surgeries I've had and be back on chemo etc. Hope you're doing okay and your Mum is 

  • That’s a reasonably long time but needs must . To put it in context my mum never got good margins with her first resection . Three months later she had growth at the resection margins and four one cm additional mets . Six rounds of chemo at a reduced dose for four did the trick .

    If your team was worried they would tell you . That not too dissimilar to my mum’s CEA . It’s really very low but enough to be reliable .

    They are normally happy if they see an initial downward trajectory, or that’s my understanding with CEA .

    You have a wonderful time and it will hopefully be doing the necessary shrinking whilst you enjoy the break .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court, yes well 5 weeks before surgery and about 7 after surgery before back on chemo. I had my bowel primary removed and bowel resection and my remaining ovary removed (one previously removed some years ago for borderline ovarian disease which histolology this time showed was different to current disease but unusual to have both in your 30s/ early 40s!). 

    I'm 2 cycles in to new chemo for the liver mets and for post operative chemo. 

    Thank you as always for all the support, it's so helpful to have people to talk to.

  • Thank you so much Karen x