Liver surgery

  • 5 replies
  • 99 subscribers
  • have colorectal cancer which spread to.liver.    Chemo and radiotheraphy got rid of the tumour on colon.       
  •     Liver tumours are small but deep had PVE procedure a week.ago to cut blood supply to right jand side of my liver and after scan in few weeks major surgery is hopefully pencilled in for mid June to remove      I am terrified as its a. Large part being removed but iv got to try think positive they say this is hoped to be curative.     Its also being done at a hospital thats a long distance from my usual so will be hard for visitors so I will feel so alone.         Sorry to ramble on just asking if anyone else can advise.on this opp.
  • Hi Smiffey, I'm currently having chemo hoping to shrink my liver mets so they can be worked on- I was very lucky to have my bowel primary removed earlier in the year- so I'm very interested in what they're able to do for you. At the moment in terms of advice when I met liver surgeons while I was on chemo before my operation they were just saying shrink it as much as possible and then there are options. It sounds like if you're going to a far away hospital it's specialist which is excellent. I really hope you can have the surgery and as you say get cured. Keep us posted 

  • Hi  

    My mum had 73% of her liver removed back in 2010 .

    The thing to hold onto it does start regenerating quite quickly so it’s not that size for long .

    It dod take a few months for her to be back to full pelt but she was self caring after two weeks .

    Her biggest issue was fluid retention until the liver was big enough to produce enough protein to push the fluids through her body .

    She wore maternity clothes initially . Did the trick nicely .

    Other than that it has been a wonderful success.

    No further recurrence and functioning well into her 80s.

    Wishing you every success and here to chat . The teams are highly specialised. Wonderful care from surgeons who have a wealth of experience.

    Hold onto curative intent.


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you so much for your reply that is very positive.

    And ill get some loose clothing that. was something i hadnt thought of

    Great that your mum has done so well Heart

  • The chemo shrunk them.a bit but was told more chemo.probably wouldn't shrink them more ,  They are over a large area and deep.thats why surgery best option for me, but Iv heard of ablation as a procedure to ,just not an Option in my case .

    I will update when I get my scan. And surgery.

    I wish you well on your journey to .Heart

  • Alhough they are small