Microwave Ablation

  • 3 replies
  • 85 subscribers

    Hi Everyone,

    Has anyone had experience regarding Liver Metastases.

    Is it usual for some Colon Cancer Patients to have multiple sessions of Microwave  Ablation to control small Metastases as they constantly appear over time, with the intention that Metastases eventually stop presenting or present less frequently over time?

    My Wife has just been informed that she will require another Microwave Ablation session (session No 3), to treat 3 more Leisions. 

    She hasn't had a Liver Resection so far and it was explained to her that she wouldn't require Chemotherapy?

    Her primary Site (Recto/Sigmoid area), has been dealt with.

    I have looked On Line see if there are any Testimonials regarding people who may have experience of this, however I can't find anything.

    Thanks in advance.


    • Hi  

      Sorry to hear your wife requires more treatment .

      I am honestly not sure . But have noticed it becoming more common . My mum has always used surgery to control her spread in the liver . Had that twice and certainly for her it took two years to stabilise the micro disease in her liver . Not sure if they find this as effective . Most procedures are research driven so you could ask about that aspect . Which procedure is more effective at long term control .

      Eventually the disease did stop showing up . You could ask for a surgical consult just to weigh up her options .

      Have you searched under radio frequency ablation . I would think there would be a lot of information on that for reference.


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    • Hello, I am afraid I am not an expert but wanted to say hello- I have liver mets and I know ablation is one of the options being considered for me- I am having chemo to hopefully shrink the liver mets at the moment. You could definitely ask the team, and or when you meet your liver team. I believe ablation is less harsh on the body than surgery and works well on smaller areas. Macmillan also have the nurse number, they may not be able to go into specifics but may know more. I know from boards that people do have ablation more than once. I hope your wife is doing okay and feeling not too bad and thinking all good thoughts for you both